05-29-07Little Rock Board of Directors Reconvened Meeting — Minutes — May 29, 2007 MINUTES BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING City Hall — 500 W. Markham May 29, 2007 — 4:55 PM The Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas met in a regular session with Mayor Stodola presiding. Nancy Wood, City Clerk, called the roll with the following directors present: Hendrix, Richardson, Cazort, Keck, Wright, Wyrick, Kumpuris, Fortson, Adcock, Vice Mayor Hurst, and Mayor Stodola. 1. RESOLUTION 12,521 - To set June 19, 2007, as the date for a public hearing on the issuance of up to three million dollars ($3,000,000) in revenue bonds for the Central Arkansas Library System by the City of Little Rock, Arkansas Residential Housing and Public Facilities Board; and for other purposes. The resolution was read. A motion was made by Director Cazort, seconded by Director Richardson, to adopt the resolution (Item 1). Jane Dickey, bond council, gave a brief presentation on what the bond money would be used and how it would be repaid. By unanimous voice vote of the Board members present, being two - thirds in number, the resolution was adopted. 2. ORDINANCE - Held on 2 "d Reading - To grant additional duties and authorities to the directly elected Mayor; to call an election on whether to grant these duties and authorities to the directly elected Mayor; to call an election on the issue of whether the directly elected Mayor should have veto authority; to declare an emergency; and for other purposes. The ordinance was read the second time. The Mayor opened the floor for a lengthy discussion on the ordinance (Item 2) that lasted for about two (2) hours. The City Attorney, Tom Carpenter, clarified that the discussion was not about personnel issues, but about the positions in City government. Citizens present to speak in favor of the ordinance included: Gary Smith, Jane Dickey, Joseph Burah, Kathleen Olsen, Julian Calzada, Roy Rainey, Sr., Keith Wingfield, Joe Brown, and Annie Abrams. The major highlights of their comments included their full support of a strong mayoral form of government, the necessity of an election with extensive voter education for the citizenry to make the final decision, the request for the Mayor and Board to continue to make the process transparent, to clarify what exactly the citizens would vote on and its cost to the City, and a call for action on the issue of governance which has been discussed since the Future Little Rock and Vision Little Rock sessions. The Board asked many questions and expressed their concerns regarding the ordinance (Item 2). The Mayor and Director Kumpuris gave an overview of what was in this ordinance versus the earlier ordinance and touched on the highlights of the new ordinance. They both indicated that the language was taken from and written in accordance with state legislation. Little Rock Board of Directors Reconvened Meeting — Minutes — May 29, 2007 Those highlights included: 1) a simple statement that the Mayor was the chief executive officer of the City and that the City Manager was the chief administrative officer of the City; 2) the Mayor has the authority to hire and /or fire the City Manager and City Attorney with input from other Board Members and that all Board members have the authority to take part in their evaluations; 3) the Mayor nominates for board and commission vacancies with input from the other Board members; 4) the budget is prepared and presented by both the Mayor and the City Manager, but administered by the City Manager; 5) veto power for the Mayor. Director Kumpuris went on to say that his version of the ordinance was an expanded version of the previous ordinance which included input from the citizens that was expressed at the public meetings held earlier in the year and that it was an effort to refine the process of City government; realizing that citizens would still call their ward directors. He added that the ordinance added accountability to each of the positions without removing responsibility and reminded everyone that the discussion was about the positions and not the personalities of the people currently holding the positions. He concluded his comments by stating that most of the changes could be done at the Board level, but he felt that it was important enough to take it to the citizens for a vote. Director Hendrix noted that the change of government was ranked 16 on the Vision Little Rock list. She noted that in the Fall of last year the Board had endorsed Bruce Moore as a good City Manager and she felt that the citizens were concerned about changing the form of government based on that endorsement. She indicated that if the ordinance passed she would like to see the election happen within 90 days and not 45 days. Director Richardson indicated that he felt like the ordinance was very close to completely changing the current form of government and urged the Board to slow down and give everyone time to make good decisions. He concluded by stating that he would like the community to have just as much involvement with this particular ordinance as they had with the previous planning initiatives like Future LR and Vision LR. Vice Mayor Hurst asked questions regarding the ballot. Mr. Carpenter indicated that it would be one (1) ballot with two (2) questions. She also concurred with Director Hendrix regarding 90 days rather than 45 day and wanted to know if the current ordinance would be amended with the comments from discussion of the current meeting. Director Kumpuris indicated that he and Mr. Carpenter would be working together to incorporate some of the suggestions and comments brought forth at this meeting and bring the amended ordinance back to the Board. Director Cazort stated that he felt the consensus of the citizens was that they wanted change, but that there was no consensus on what type of change should occur. He concluded his comments by indicating that the amendments should be made and brought to the citizens for a vote. 2 Little Rock Board of Directors Reconvened Meeting — Minutes — May 29, 2007 Director Keck assured the citizens that the process would continue to be a public one and that the ordinance was not a change of form of government, but a change in the roles of the existing government. He asked the City Attorney to add language that clarified the Mayor's veto power and he asked for an explanation, at a later date, on how this ordinance compares and /or conflicts with the two bills signed at the state level. He also asked Director Kumpuris to clarify his expectation for action at this meeting. Director Kumpuris responded that he had none at this time, other than discussion. Director Wright's comments included that she and the citizens wanted to see results and that that is what she expected for the Vision group who worked on the governance committee. She indicated that there should be a clear picture on who was running things in City government and that the issue should be taken to the citizens for a vote. She added that her ward needed several million dollars in infrastructure improvements and she wanted things to move forward so that other issues could be handled. She also indicated that the Board members had a right to inquire and research when issues came up and that she would continue to ask questions. Director Wyrick asked for clarity on the preparation for the budget, which she thought was already prepared by the Mayor and City Manager. The City Attorney indicated that although this had happened in the past; it was not a requirement, and that the new ordinance codified this as a requirement. She also indicated that the citizens she encountered were not concerned with the duties and responsibilities of the Mayor, but that they were concerned with the responsiveness of the City government. She concluded her comments by indicating that she did not want to add another level of bureaucracy to the current system of government. Director Fortson indicated that he had attended all seven (7) public meetings and had heard some interesting observations. He added that he felt like the added responsibilities to the Mayor strengthened the City Manager position because it gave him the ability to respond quickly to issues that needed a response.. He concluded his comments by stating that the Board should put the issue to a vote of the citizens. Director Adcock asked for clarity on the additional duties as they would be spelled out on the ballot. Mr. Carpenter indicated the place in the ordinance that spelled out the duties in detail. She also requested the narrative from the public discussions and indicated that it should be a part of their discussions on the issue. Board and Commission appointments was another concern for her; she wanted to know if the Mayor would take input from the other Board members and if this input was subject to FOI. Mr. Carpenter answered that the Mayor would take input and that it would be subject to FOI unless it had not been solicited by he Mayor. She also indicated that it was not clear in the ordinance that the Mayor would be a full time position and she wanted that language to be added. Her final comments included a request that Little Rock and North Little Rock be viewed as one city with a river running though it; adding her dislike of the current feeling of competition between the two cities. Director Richardson echoed Director Adcock's comments. 3 _ T y Little Rock Board of Directors Reconvened Meeting — Minutes — May 29, 2007 Director Hendrix made a motion to table the discussion on the ordinance (Item 2) until further amendments could be made and brought back before the Board. There being no second the motion failed. Director Kumpuris had to leave the meeting and requested that Item 3 be deferred until the next meeting. Director Keck, seconded by Adcock, made a motion to defer Item 3 and hold evaluations for the City Manager and City Attorney at the next meeting on June 5, 2007. Director Adcock distributed a memo from the Animal Services Advisory Committee regarding goats and pit bulls. 3. EXECUTIVE SESSION AND RESOLUTION - Deferred to June 5, 2007 - To make appointments to various City of Little Rock Boards and Commissions. (May 15, 2007). Synopsis: Civil Service Commission (2 positions), Community Housing Advisory Board (4 positions), Housing Board of Adjustment and Appeals (1 position), Oakland Fraternal Cemetery Board of Trustees (6 positions), Port Authority (1 Position), Little Rock Racial Cultural Diversity Commission (1 position). A motion was made by meeting. By unanimous adjourned at 6:45 PM. ATTEST: a cy Woo , CMC City Cler Director Keck, seconded by Director Cazort to adjourn the voice vote of the Board members present, the meeting was 0 Mark Stodola Mayor