125381 RESOLUTION NO. 12,538 2 A RESOLUTION TO SET JULY 10, 2007, AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC 3 HEARING ON THE ISSUANCE OF TAXABLE TWUNTRIAT 4 DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS BY THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, 5 ARKANSAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ASSISTING IN THE FINANCING OF 6 INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES. VA 8 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE 9 ROCK, ARKANSAS: 10 Section 1. A public hearing on the question of the issuance of taxable industrial 11 development revenue bonds by the City of Little Rock, Arkansas for the purpose of 12 financing an industrial facility shall be held at 4:00 P.M., or as soon as the item can be dealt 13 with on the regular agenda of the Board of Directors, on Tuesday, July 10, 2007, during the 14 regular meeting of the Little Rock Board of Directors in the Board Meeting Room on the second 15 floor of City Hall, 500 West Markham, Little Rock, Arkansas, and all persons who wish to be 16 heard on this issue shall be given the opportunity to comment. 17 ADOPTED: June 26, 2007 18 ATTEST: APPROVED: 19 20 , i 21 Na aki S. Mocker, Assistant City Clerk Mark Stodola, Mayor 22 For Nancy Wood, City Clerk 23 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: 24 25 26 Thomas M. Carpenter, City ttorney 27 H 28 H [PAGE 1 OF 11 Resolution Setting a public hearing on the issuance of industrial development revenue bonds by the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, for the purpose of assisting in the financing of industrial facilities.