1565189 ORDINANCE NO. 15,651 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 31 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS PROVIDING FOR MODIFICATION OF STREET DESIGN STANDARDS IN SECTIONS 31 -204, 31 -205 AND 31 -209 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. That Chapter 31, Section 31 -204 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas be amended to provide for the modification and addition of the language to read as follows: To ensure adequate site distance on curves, the minimum horizontal centerline radius shall be as follows: 1. Principal Arterials - Fourteen hundred (1400) feet. 2. Minor Arterials - Nine hundred (900) feet. 3. Collector Streets - Four hundred fifty (450) feet. 4. Residential Streets - One hundred fifty (150) feet. 5. Minor Residential Streets - Seventy five (75) feet. V� 11 lt 01- lat I i. tA c".4) 0 43 1% jp - n- el • • 90 SECTION 2. That Chapter 31, Section 31 -205 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Little Rock be amended to provide for modification and addition of language and to read as follows: Between reverse curves, a tangent of not less than four hundred (400) feet for principal arterials; three hundred (300) feet for minor arterials; two hundred (200) feet for collector streets; and fifty (50) feet for residential streets shall be required. The Commission shall permit modification of these standards where topography or other conditions justify and design data supports the modification. SECTION 3. That Chapter 31, Section 31 -209 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Little Rock be amended to provide for modification of standards to read as follows: The following are the street classifications and standards for streets: DESIGN STANDARDS Approx. Design speed (miles per hour) Maximum grade at centerline (in percent) Minimum right - of -way (in feet) Minimum street width, back - to -back of curb, in feet DESIGN STANDARDS PRINCIPAL MINOR MINOR EXPRESSWAY ARTERIAL ARTERIAL COLLECTOR RES 55 50 40 30 25 20 8% 9% 9% 12% 15% 16% As req'd 110 90 60 50 45 by Master Street Plan As req'd 66 60 36 29 24 by Master Street Plan DESIGN STANDARDS Min. sight distance at crest of vertical curve (in feet) Sidewalks Min. horizontal radius at centerline (normal crown) (in feet) Min. horizontal tangent distance bet. reverse curves (in feet) DESIGN STANDARDS (Continued) PRINCIPAL MINOR EXPRESSWAY ARTERIAL ARTERIAL COLLECTOR 550' 475' 325' 200' 9i MINOR RES_:. .. RE S,,.,, ISO' 110' May be Both Both One One None required sides sides side side 1700' 1400' 900' 450' ISO' 75' 600' 400' 300' 200' SO' N/A SECTION 4. That this Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days from and after its passage. PASSED: March 2. 1 ..�...1- 9$.9..._._..,........_. ATTEST: APPROVED:._,,_.,_ -u City Clerk ane Czech Mayor Floyd G. Villines, III '3