15648� III I� � � Il• I>� r I� I� I� � ORDINANCE NO. 15,648 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND ESTABLISHING A PLANNED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT TITLED SUITEMARK HOTEL (Z -5152) IN THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS, AMENDING CHAPTER 36 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF 4 LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. SECTION 1. That the zone classification of the following described property be changed from "0-3," General Office District and "C -3," General Commercial District to PCD, Planned Commercial District. A parcel of land in Tracts 13, 20 and 29 of West Highland Subdivision, Little Rock, Arkansas being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of Tract F -1, Pyramid Park Addition, an addition to the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, said corner lying on the east right -of -way line of Hardin Road; thence north 29 048'14" west along the east right -of -way line of Hardin Road, 45.11 feet to a point; thence northwesterly and continuing along said east right -of -way line, being the arc of a 165.99 foot radius curve to the right, being a chord bearing and distance of north 15 010'14" west 83.87 feet to a point; thence north 00032114" west and continuing along said east right -of -way line 234.24 feet to a point on the south line of said Tract 13, West Highland Subdivision; thence north 89031129" along the south line of said Tract 13, 10.0 feet to the southwest corner of said Tract 13, said corner lying on the east right -of -way line of Hardin Road; thence north OOo32114" west along the east line of said Tract 13, 261.81 feet to a point; thence south 89012'35" east, 248.38 feet to the northwest corner of Tract F -2, said Pyramid Park Addition; thence south 00032137" east along the west line of said Tract F -2, 511.19 feet to a point on the north line of said Tract F -1, Pyramid Park Addition; thence north 64013'04" west along said north line, 79.54 feet to a point; thence south 41058'54" west and continuing along said north line, 183.23 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 2.99 acres, more or less. (NW corner of Hardin Rd. and Financial Centre Parkway) = M LOIN -6 SECTION 2. That the preliminary site development plan /plat be approved as recommended by the Little Rock Planning Commission. SECTION 3. That the change in zoning classification contemplated for Suitemark Hotel (Short -form PCD) is conditioned upon obtaining a final plan approval within the time specified by Article VII, Section 36 of the Code of Ordinances. SECTION 4. That the map referred in Chapter 36 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, and designated district map be and it is hereby amended to the extent and in the respects necessary to affect and designate the change provided for in Section 1 hereof. SECTION 5. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force upon final approval of the plan. PASSED: March 7, 1989 ATTEST: ACzec . _ ......... City Clerk Jh APPROVED: �.Q.,- Mayor Floyd G. Villines, III Feeff