15615M = = M = M = = = = = M M 0 ORDINANCE NO..._....__1.5 0 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 36 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS PROVIDING FOR HOME OCCUPATIONS IN MULTIFAMILY DISTRICTS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. That Chapter 36 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas be amended as follows: Subsection a. That Section 36 -2. of Article I be ._.. ...... amended to provide for the introduction of new language in the last sentence of the definition Home Occupation" and to read as follows: Home Occupation: A home occupation is that accessory use of a dwelling that shall constitute either partially or entirely the livelihood of a person living in the dwelling. Such use shall in every respect be subordinate to the principal use as a single family residence. These accessory uses shall be subject to the Accessory Use Permit provisions of the various districts. Subsect_.ion_ b. That Section 36 -55. (c) of Article II be amended to provide for the introduction of new language expanding the number of districts permitting Home Occupation and to read as follows: (c) Uses Requiring Accessory Use Permits: Uses which are determined to require Accessory Use Permits will be designated in "R -1," and "R -3" single family districts; the "R -4" two family district; the "MF -6" and "MF -12;" the "MF -18" and "MF -24" multifamily districts; the "R -5" urban residence district; the "R -6" High Rise Apartment District; the "R -7" and "R -7A" Mobile Home Districts. 1 5 - 7�6 2 Subsection c. That Section 36 -260. of Article IV, Division 2. be amended to provide for modification of subparagraph (c).2a in order to add a new accessory use to be numbered 6. and to read as follows: 6. Home Occupations SECTION 2. That this Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days from and after its passage. PASSED: .3, 1-989 ................. ATTEST: APPROVED:. _. .. CI Clerk J e Czech Mayor Floyd G Villines, III