83321 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 RESOLUTION NO. 8,332 245 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACTS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ASPHALTIC MATERIALS FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT; ONE SINGLE AXLE DIESEL TRUCK, CAB AND CHASSIS AND ONE STAKEBED DUMP TRUCK FOR FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN AND GENERAL SERVICES /FLEET SERVICES DIVISION; AND AN ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF INDUSTRIAL PAPER PRODUCTS FOR VARIOUS CITY DEPARTMENTS. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to accept bids and award contracts for the purchase of the following: (a) asphaltic materials for the Public Works Department in an amount not to exceed $160,000 to various companies as shown in the tabulation attached as Exhibit A. (b) one single axle diesel truck, cab an chassis for the Department of Human and General Services /Fleet Services Division in an amount not to exceed $32,505 to Robinson International. (c) one stakebed dump truck for the Department of Human and General Services /Fleet Services Division in an amount not to exceed $27,732 to Robinson International. (d) an annual contract for the purchase of industrial paper products for various City departments in an amount not to exceed $20,000 to Butler Paper Company. ADOPTED: July 17, 1990 ATTEST: - (211A41-., �� RI dF "CZECH APPROVEWAS TO ;ORM: APPROVED: i Ti. 1 • A�/ PURCHASING FACT SHEET 246 BID NO: C0037 DATE OPENED: JUNE 21, 1990 DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS - OPERATIONS DESCRIPTION: ASPHALTIC MATERIALS FUNDING: GENERAL ACCOUNT NUMBER: 200 - 220 -2210 -3020 APPROPRIATION OR TRANSFER REQUIRED: NONE ACCOUNT AVAILABILITY: $206,000.00 AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $160,000.00 ESTIMATE SUGGESTED AWARDEE: SEE TABULATION RECOMMENDATION AND DISCUSSION: ITEM 1: Lion Oil Company is the only known source for this product, however, bids were taken to confirm this. ITEMS 2,3 & 4: It is recommended that multiple awards be made for these items. Cranford & Hogans plants surround the City and are virtually equal in distance from the center point of the City. This would allow for the department to use the closest plant for the job. This would minimize the cost (man hours) involved in sending our trucks to the plant. It would also provide alternate suppliers as at certain times a plant may not be making the mix we require. 247 BID * C0037 DESCRIPTION: ASPHALTIC MATERIALS TABULATION 1. AC -30 Lion Oil Company $123.40 ton No other bids received, Lion is an only source 2. ASPHALTIC CONCRETE HOT MIX BASE MATERIAL Cranford Construction ($21.00 ton) Hogan Construction ($21.00 ton) 3. ASPHALTIC CONCRETE HOT MIX SURFACE MATERIAL Cranford Construction ($21.00 ton) Hogan Construction ($22.00 ton) 4. ASPHALT TREATED HOT MIX BASE MATERIAL Cranford Construction ($20.00 ton) Hogan Construction ($21.00 ton) 5. BITUMINOUS COLD LAY PLANT MIX Cranford Construction ($24.00 ton) 248 PURCHASING FACT SHEET BID NO: 0312 DATE OPENED: JUNE 22, 1990 DEPARTMENT: HUMAN AND GENERAL SERVICES - FLEET DESCRIPTION: (1) SINGLE AXLE DIESEL TRUCK,CAB & CHASSIS (1) STAKEBED DUMP TRUCK FUNDING: FLEET REPLACEMENT ACCOUNT NUMBER: 210- 214 - 0139 -7060 APPROPRIATION OR TRANSFER REQUIRED: NONE ACCOUNT AVAILABILITY: $824,173.00 AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $60,237.00 SUGGESTED AWARDEE: ROBINSON INTERNATIONAL 910 E. 6TH. LITTLE ROCK, AR 72202 RECOMMENDATION AND DISCUSSION: It is recommended that the low bid meeting specifications be accepted for each item. Bale Chevrolet bid an alternate truck on item one but failed to meet specifications in the following areas: SPECIFICATIONS OFFERED Engine 200 HP 185 HP Front Axle 11,500 # 11,000 # 49 X " TABULATION BID 4 0312 ROBINSON WALT BENNETT BALE FISER TRUCK TRI-STATE NO QTY INTERNATIONAL FORD CHEVROLET AND TRACTOR MACK 1-A Sinole Axle ($32,505.00) Diesle Truck 2 1 Stakebed Dump Truck ($27,732.00) $32,500.67 $32,089.94 $35,325.00 $30,652.00 (alternate) $30,363-46 $29,755.04 $20,362.00 No Bid $31,491.00 a 250 PURCHASING FACT SHEET BID NO: C0031 DATE OPENED: June 28, 1990 DEPARTMENT: Purchasing DESCRIPTION: Annual Contract for Industrial Paper Products FUNDING: Annual Purchase Order ACCOUNT NUMBER: Various APPROPRIATION OR TRANSFER REQUIRED: None ACCOUNT AVAILABILITY: $ Not to exceed budget AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $20,000.00 SUGGESTED AWARDEE: Butler Paper 2000 E. Roosevelt Rd. Little Rock, AR 72206 RECOMMENDATION AND DISCUSSION: It is recommended that the award be given to Butler Paper Company. Muswick, the low bidder, failed to bid on all items. Their adjusted bid would increase their total by over $2900. Butler was lower than Mayer Meyer by virtue of 5% Arkansas Preference. BID #: C0031 DEPARTMENT: Purchasing DESCRIPTION: Annual Contract for Industrial Paper Products TABUALTION Muswick Co. 16,918.07 Mayer Myers Paper Co. 18,580.71 Butler Paper Co. ($19,336.67) Kerr Paper & Supply 19,921.10 Roach Paper Co. 20,170.84 Arkansas Bag & Equipment 23,919.63 Revel Enterprises 41,359.72 AWARD 251