8261� � r 11 2' 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 67 RESOLUTION NO. 8,261 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO DELTIC FARM AND TIMBER COMPANY, INCORPORATED, TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN A BUILDING IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1: A franchise is hereby granted to Deltic Farm and Timber Company, Incorporated, to use part of the public right -of -way for placement of an information center adjacent to #1 Chenal Circle. SECTION 2: The granting of this franchise shall be subject to the applicant's adherence to the following conditions: (a) the building size and design shall be as detailed in the application for franchise. (b) the building and associated landscaping must not block or obscure necessary sight distances with regard to vehicular and pedestrian movement. (c) the owner must assume total responsibility for proper maintenance of structure and landscaping. (d) the structure is to be used as an information center and not to be used as a guardhouse or in any other way to restrict access on a public street. (e) at no time will the public street be permitted to be blocked. SECTION 3: This resolution shall remain in full force and effect from and after its adoption and approval. The City reserves the right to revoke said Franchise approval in the event of failure to comply with the requirements of approval or in the event of a public need superior to the use granted. ADOPTED February 20, 1990 ATTEST: APPROVED: CIT RR J E ZECH uICE MAYOR SHARON PRIEST APP D/AS TO FORM: MARK STOD6LA, CITY ATTORNEY 2- 39 F-1 r Im FM ..= FRANCHISE APPLICATION* APPLICANT: Deltic Farm & Timber Co.. Inc. DATE: 9 -29 -89 APPLICANT'S ADDRESS:_ 10800 Financial Centre Parkway Suite 330 Little Rock, AR 72211 TELEPHONE: 223 -0665 CITY STATE ZIP PROPERTY OWNER(if same write same): same ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: CITY STATE ZIP ADDRESS OF PROPOSED FRANCHISE: #1 Chenal Circle NOTE: FRANCHISE APPLICATIONS ARE ACCEPTED AND ISSUED ON-THE BASIS THAT AN EXTREME EMERGENCY EXISTS WHICH CANNOT BE SOLVED ANY OTHER WAY AND /OR THAT IT 15 IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST TO ISSUE. EXPLAIN IN DETAIL WHEN GIVING REASON FOR APPLICATION. DESCRIPTION OF USE: Landscape entrance to Chenal Circle, construct precast concrete paver street & walk, and construct fence as shown on Sheet S -1. Construct Guard House as shown on Sheet S -2. REASON: 68 Landscaping at the entrance to Chenal Circle has a European theme. The street paving accompanies a large area and the use of gray concrete pavers, laid in a fan pattern is a critical element in this design. A 7" thick, 3000 psi concrete pavement will be constructed under the pavers to insure long term structural stability. The construction of the structure in the center median is primarily for asthetic purposes and is an architectural focal point. It would typically be occupied during the initial marketing of the project and during special events for informational purposes. SHOULD THIS FRANCHISE BE GRANTED IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THE CITY OF LITTLE DI1OCK ASSUM66 NO HCOPON616I6ITY TO MAINTAIN TH6 INSTALLATION NOR TO RGPLACC tANY- INOTALLATION CAMAOOO OR OCOTOOY60 OY WTS61YY OR OITV CRCWS IN THSIn ROUTINE MAINTENANCE WORK. ALSO, THE CITY ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY SHOULD INJURY BE INFLICTED ON ANYONE AS A RESULT OF THE PRESENCE OR INSTALLATION OF THE FRANCHISED PRODUCT. NOTE: WITR VOUR COMPLETE APPLICATION YOU MUST SUDMIT TWELVE COPIES OF A 5KFTCH SHOWING LOCATION, 517,r kNQ NATURE. or THE ENCROA BENT. i / I XY t A 1j) Qr sir V\ Ni `7 1121 YY ILPUP14 -e7 t� 77 UZ I% W W (.) D Cl) J � Q Z Q Cc W� UU i !0 i' Y� /4 a� �r ��x a oL n 1— ___.o -6 -._- _..1 ;a �I W 0 } 41.E 1 I y ; UZ I% W W (.) D Cl) J � Q Z Q Cc W� UU i !0 i' Y� /4 a� �r ��x a oL n 1— ___.o -6 -._- _..1 ;a �I W 0 }