82421 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 •RESOLUTION NO. 8,242 • AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACTS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROCK SALT FOR THE OF PUBLIC WORKS; PURCHASE OF TIRES AND TUBES, AND at!-� OF 7 SEDANS FOR THE OF HUMAN AND GENERAL SERVICES /FLEET SERVICES. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to accept bids and award contracts for the purchase of the following: (a) rock salt for the Department of Public Works in the amounts of $1.57 per 50# bag and $30.00 bulk per ton to various companies as shown in the tabulation attached as Exhibit A; (b) purchase of tires and tubes for the Department of Human and General Services /Fleet Services, in an amount not to exceed $150,000 to various companies as shown in the tabulation attached as Exhibit B; (c) refurbishment of 7 sedans for the Department of Human and General Services /Fleet Services, in an amount not to exceed $22,820 to Norman Clifton Auto. ADOPTED: January 2, 1990 CZECH �r `� �; 1%� / � ff 3 APPROVED: MAYOR LO G. VILLINES, III � -3 E PURCHASING FACT SHEET HID NO: C9298 DATE OPENED: 12/12/89 DEPARTMENT: Public Works Operations DESCRIPTION: Rack Salt FUNDING: General ACCOUNT NUMBER: 200 - 220 - 2210 - (2211) -2100 APPROPRIATION OR TRANSFER REQUIRED: None ACCOUNT AVAILABILITY: $15,200 AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: See discussion SUGGESTED AWARDEE: See tabulation RECOMMENDATION AND DISCUSSION: It is recommended that the low bidder for each item be accepted. There is $15,200 appropriated for this program in 1990, however, if weather conditions warrant this amount may be exceeded. I � f I I E 1 � I L 0 c �1 iT I 2 T� L I � ,7 I Q i-� r � G �F J c.: _ r 00 a) N W U N N G C z L _ p m = w U l F+ � U I 5 I 0.. I U f1+ V C F+ i v H C a I F H w V H C a � G ° N c F ea r U N N H C Lo N a n F 0• L cr W _ L C4 > L- F C F cr U Z p H L lA U L r R 2 T N W r Y iO U a PC °o U In L H C1 cn a. 0 H r H Q fl H U V) G] k W 1 cc zw I CD a z u U l F+ 6 PURCHASING FACT SHEET BID N0: M8911 DATE OPENED: 11/21/89 DEPARTMENT: Human and General Services - Fleet DESCRIPTION: Tires /Tubes FUNDING: Fleet Internal Service Fund ACCOUNT NUMBER: 600- 214 - 6030 - (6033) -9201 APPROPRIATION OR TRANSFER REQUIRED: None ACCOUNT AVAILABILITY: $19625,950.00 AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $150,000.00 (Estimated) SUGGESTED AWARDEE: Various. See Tabulation RECOMMENDATION AND DISCUSSION: Recommend award to low bidder for each item. On Group C- Truck (Off The Road), Tire Centers Inc. failed to bid on over $40,000.00 on tires in that category. On Group E - Utility Trailer, Purcell Tire Co. failed to bid on over $400.00 in tires and tubes in that category. 7 BID #: M8911 DEPARTMENT: Hunan & General Services DESCRIPTION: Tires TABULATION Group A - Police Vehicle Tires Purcell Tire Co. ($15,932) Goodyear 17,899 Tire Centers Inc. NO BID Group B - Passenger Goodyear ($13,666) Tire Centers Inc. 14,063 Purcell Tire 14,200 Group C - Truck (Off The Road) Goodyear ($94,753) Purcell Tire Co. 96,259 Tire Centers -Inc. 64,899 *Failed to bid all items. Group C - Truck Tubes Tire Centers Inc. ($15,749) Purcell Tire Co. 16,913 Goodyear 21,714 Group C - Light Truck Tires Tire Centers Inc. ($6,960) Purcell Tire Co. 8,537 Goodyear 9,141 Group D - Heavy Truck Tires Purcell Tire Co. ($7;148) Goodyear. 8,070 Tire Centers Inc. NO BID Group E - Utility Trailer Tires Goodyear ($1,283) Purcell Tire Co. 987 *Failed to bid all items. Tire Center Inc. NO BID Group F - Tractor /Grader Tires Goodyear ($2,402) Purcell Tire Co. 21583 Tire Centers Inc. NO BID Group G - Agri /Industrial Tires Goodyear ($3,286) Purcell Tire Co. 4,271 Tire Centers Inc. NO BID rw °w w w w w w w wi w w w w w w 9 PURCHASING FACT SHEET BID NO: 9292 DATE OPENED: November 30, 1989 DEPARTMENT: Human 8( General Services /Fleet Services DESCRIPTION: Refurbishment of Sedans FUNDING: Fleet Internal Service Fund ACCOUNT NUMBERS 600- 214 -6040- (6041) -9201- (1450) APPROPRIATION OR TRANSFER REQUIRED: None ACCOUNT AVAILABILITY: $489000.00 AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $22,820.00 SUGGESTED AWARDEE: Norman Clifton Auto 2910 E. Washington North Little Rock, AR 72114 RECOMMENDATION AND DISCUSSION: Recommend award to low bidder. � \2 2 (� }^ o/ [\ u ! . ƒ . , _ { Ems \ . / R \ } 2 % w[ b ) Ems A IO R ri / E\ f $� E \ \ a4 � 4 w ( \ 0 \ $ /\ [ @j � ; \ \ [ § ; ; \ u / ) \ / 0 TI _ 3 : \ ) �� G ) i ( A [ \ ! ; . § % 0 �\ t %( [z y ee \ \ \ a )�© C) g \� , '9\ 7 /) w[ b )