6966RESOLUTION NO. 6,966 w w w w A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 6,952 OF MARCH 15, 1983; TO AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF A COMPUTER SYSTEM FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SUPPORT WITHIN BUDGET LIMITS. WHEREAS, on March 15, 1983, Resolution No. 6,952 was 323 adopted to accept the bid of Second Source of Tustin, California, and to authorize the City Manager to award Second Source a contract for the purchase and installation of a computer system for the Department of Management Support; and, WHEREAS, Resolution No. 6,952, erroneously limited the purchase price to $142,496.00, instead of the amount budgeted therefor; and WHEREAS, it is imperative that the error be corrected. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Section 1: Resolution No. 6,952 of March 14, 1983, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to accept the bid of and award a contract to Second Source of Tustin, California, for the purchase and installation of a computer system for the Department of Management Support for a total price not to exceed budget payable from the General Fund, as reflected by the pertinent fact sheet and bid tabulation." Section 2. The fact sheet and bid tabulation involved are attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 3: This Resolution shall be effective retroactively to March 15, 1983, in order to effectuate the true intent of Resolution No. 6,952. ADOPTED: April 5, 1983 ATTEST: APPROVED:.�� ty Cler< Jane Czech Mayor'J. W. Be ield r • CITY OF LITTLE ROCK PURCHASING AWARD OF BIDS OR SERVICES FACT SHEET DATE March r 19A7 DESCRIPTION: Computer system for the Department of Management Support. DISCUSSION: It is recommended that the bid sub- mitted by Second Source be accepted. V RECOMMENDATION: x ACCEPT WAIVE COMPETITIVE BIDDING VENDOR: Second Source Tustin, Ca. BID PROCESS: x LOW BID OTHER THAN LOW BID PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: LOW BID NEGOTIATED OTHER (EXPLAIN) FUNDING: FUND: General 15 OPERATING Ej SPECIAL PROJECT AMOUNT BUDGETED: $237 500 APPROP. OR TRANS. REQUIRED:None ACCOUNT NUMBER:599- 8206 -7.12 AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $Not To Exceed Budget BID NO :3135 DATED:3 /2/83 Certified By: Jerry Paul , CPPO Purchasing Agent e m ro a n m O ti Ci r — v� -1 >o a C-) r M rl �7 :n ;n O H O O a ro a N c=1 H C z m m 0 0 H ro m cz rn d K z m m w H b H N w c a r x w w �• r• w o H O' H o rt 0 I� om rv; o �HZa� Hx H mmr7; w o m c7r a n z 0 1 n H C n G H z c n W rt d z n No e m O m m H n rt 0 x � H w H H ro H £ H w o H m ro c n x z o m H H 6 n C) H o O M G 0 rt G. m m O H m nY m r 'd C -- a z m n H H C q o ro H <• w �a o w n n a p m r w •v C x z z H rl n H `m m 0 roH � o H H rn n a m r o O a ro C 7J z H H nH m 'd H b O na mr ro r_ zz HH n H m 7d H O H H na mr "d c xz n H m ro H C) na mr b C x z H H n H m Ci r — v� -1 >o a C-) r M rl �7 :n ;n O H O O a ro a N c=1 H C z m m 0 0 H ro m cz rn d K z m m w H b H N w c a r x w w �• r• w o H O' H o rt 0 I�