6965� r r� ■� r r� r� r r r� r r® r RESOLUTION NO. 6,965 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AWARD CONTRACTS FOR THE PURCHASE OF PARTS FOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE; HOSES AND NOZZELS FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT; JANITORIAL SERVICE FOR CITY BUILDINGS; AND FOR THE PURCHASE OF PATROL VEHICLES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: 322 Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to accept the bids of and award contracts to the bidders as set forth in the attached fact sheets and tabulations of bids for the purchase of parts for Vehicle Maintenance; hoses and nozzles for the Fire Department; janitorial services for City Buildings; and for the purchase of patrol vehicles, for total prices not to exceed budget, payable from the funds specified in the fact sheets. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force from the date of its approval. ADOPTED: April 5, 1983 ATTEST: APPROVED: �. ^�.� -..� C ty Clerk ne Czech Mayor J. W. Ben field CITY OF LITTLE ROCK 0 PURCHASING AWARD OF BIDS OR SERVICES DATE March 14, 1983 FACT SHEET DESCRIPTION: Contracts for the purchase of parts for Vehicle Maintenance. Contract Period: April 1, 1983 to December 31; 1983 DISCUSSION: Whereas, the parts set forth herein are of n type.and nature that issuance of Invitations for competitive bids, in the opinion of the Purchasing Division, would not improve our position, as nothing could be gained; and, therefore, the City Manager recommends awards be made based on availablity of parts when needed. The Purchasing Division will contact Vendors quarterly to obtain current prices charged the City. RECOMMENDATION: ACCEPT X WAIVE COMPETITIVE BIDDING VENDOR: B & L Sales, Ark. Brake, J.B. Cook Genuine Parts, L.R. Dodge, BID PROCESS: LOW 8I0 OTHER THAN LOW BID PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: LOW BID NEGOTIATED OTHER (EXPLAIN) FUNDING: FUND: General /Street OPERATING [X SPECIAL PROJECT AMOUNT BUDGETED: Annual P r has Order APPROP. OR TRANS. REQUIRED: None ACCOUNT NUMBER: Various -4.06 AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $ Annual Purchase Order Not rQ exceed budgr BID NO; Waived DATED: Certified By: Jerry Paul , CPPO Purchasing Agent 0 AWARD OF BIDS OR SERVICES FACT SHEET CITY OF LITTLE ROCK DESCRIPTION: Hoses and nozzles for the City of Little Rock Fire Department. DISCUSSION: It is recommended that the awards be made as following; Item 1 (A) ViTmer withdrew their bid. (B) Treadway and Casco is lower that Haiprin by virtue of Arkansas Pref. (C) Treadway is local therefore exchange: and servicing would be easier than with Casco which is located in Roger: (D) Recommended Award- Treadway Item 2 (A) Wimer withdrew their bid (B) Treadway is low by virtue of Preference (C) Recommended Award - Treadway Item 3 (A) Mill and Mine was disqualified for bidding the wrong size couplings. (B) Treadway is lower than Halprin by virtue of Arkansas Preference. (C) Recommended Award - Treadway Items 4 &5 (A) The city has standardized on Elkhart nozzles for some time and Elkhart is available through any dealer. Westert bid their own brand which wouldn't be compatible with existing equipment. (B) Recommended Award_ Treadway DATE Marrh 14, 1983 RECOMMENDATION: _ACCEPT WAIVE COMPETITIVE BIDDING VENDOR: As Indicated BID PROCESS: _LOW BID OTHER THAN LOW BID PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: LOW BID NEGOTIATED OTHER (EXPLAIN) FUNDING: FUND: Gener OPERATING M SPECIAL PROJECT AMOUNT BUDGETED: 25.000 in aeQgU balance APPROP. OR TRANS. REQUIRED:Ngne. ACCOUNT NUMBER: i83_42()()_7. u_ AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $ Not to exceed budggt BID NO.3130 DATED:2 /24/83 Item 6 Award to Treadway as low bidder. Certified By: JERRY PAUL, CPPO PURCHASING AGENT m m BID TABULATION DEPARTMENT:FIRE COMMODITY:HOSES AND NOZZLES BID NUMBER:3130 ITEM 411 -2z" POLYESTER FIRE HOSE WIMER $20,431 WILSON $21,840 HALPRIN 21,560 SOUTHERN 21,840 TREADWAY (21,700) ALAMO 21,868 CASCO 21,700 HAROLD'S 22,330 ITEM 412 -1i" POLYESTER FIRE HOSE WIMER $8,290 WILSON $9,090 HALPRIN 9,000 CASCO 9.090 TREADWAY (9,000) SOUTHERN 9,090 ALAMO 9,000 HAROLD'S 9,225 ITEM 413 -SOFT SUCTION HOSE WITH COUPLINGS MILL & MINE $ 960 CASCO $1,272 MILL & MINE 1,016 SOUTHERN 1,374 HALPRIN 1,188 WILSON 1,392 TREADWAY (1,208) CLEMENTS 3,785 ITEM 414 -i' FOG NOZZLES WESTERN $1,690 CASCO $1,890 TREADWAY (1,842) ALAMO 1,903 WILSON 1,882 SOUTHERN 1,907 ITEM 415 -1" BOOSTER NOZZLES WESTERN $1,240 WILSON $1,433 TREADWAY (1,401) SOUTHERN 1,450 ALAMO 1,408 CLEMENT 1,471 CASCO 1,432 3,764 ITEM 416 -A" FOG NOZZLES TREADWAY ($3,605) SOUTHERN 3,731 WILSON 3,644 ALAMO 3,753 WESTERN 3,650 HAROLD'S 3,764 CASCO 3,690 CLEMENTS 3,785 M M = M M &ITY OF LITTLE. iROCX . p° UU RCCNA5 §P-11UJ AWARD OF BIDS OR SERVICES FACT SHEET DESCRIPTION: Annual Contract for Janitorial Services for City Buildings Contract Period: To March 31, 1984 DISCUSSION: Recommend re -award to low bidder for 1982 Bid C2004. This bid stated contract could be renewed for up to three years if prices remained the same and both parties agreed to renew. Service has been acceptable and the General Services Department has requested that the contract be extended for another year. M M _ M DATE March 9. 1983 RECOMMENDATION: X ACCEPT WAIVE COMPETITIVE BIDDING VENDOR: Rite Wav Cleaning Servi 109 W. Roosevelt Little Rock AR 72206 BID PROCESS: X LOU 810 OTHER THAN LOU BID PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: _LOW BID _NEGOTIATED OTHER (EXPLAIN) FUNDING: FUND: General OPERATING 6D SPECIAL PROJECT AMOUNT 8UDGETED•AnnuaI Purchase Ord APPROP. OR TRANS. REQUIRED: None ACCOUNT NUMBER: Various AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: Annual Purchase Order Not To Exceed Budget BID NO; 02004 DATED: February 23, 1982 Certified By: Jerry Pau! , CPPO Purchasing Agent CITY OF LITTLE ROCK PURCHASING AWARD OF BIDS OR SERVICES FACT SHEET DESCRIPTION: PATROL VEHICLES DISCUSSION: It is recommended that the award be made to the low bidder. Transfers will be made by each department with no need for additional appropriations. M =1 r M DATE March 23, 1983 RECOMMENDATION: X ACCEPT WAIVE COMPETITIVE BIDDING VENDOR: LITTLE ROCK DODGE 5809 SOUTH UNIVERSITY LITTLE ROCK, AR BID PROCESS: _LOW BID OTHER THAN LOW BID PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: LOW BID NEGOTIATED OTHER (EXPLAIN) FUNDING: FUND: GENERAL OPERATING [D SPECIAL PROJECT Q AMOUNT BUDGETED: $183,250.00 APPROP. OR TRANS. REQUIRED: $10,037.00 ACCOUNT NUMBER: VARIOUS — 7.06 AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $193,287.00 BID NO. 3146 DATED: March 1, 1983 Certified By: Jerry Paul , CPPO Purchasing Agent b 9 G7 Im O K1 M� n wH C y cn H D >C z 1 ro� o m rt r• N n z n m m a o m N H ro H H ° z ro a y w 7 r m r rn w w [7 n r w w x a roH ° m n 9 H Rf r m tz W V N H C CA O O O > i b H � 7J O 9 9 n m r O z .o z a m m r m m m n x C n 9 O I m H o; r H r r ro c �z H H 0 0 o m 0 0 0 � _ n roH x 0 �r Cl �D z z z m O F n H O r V r m O O m m M ro H O n v rn r r N ro C' m r m H H c 00 w a m o m m z [a 'U H H H 7y O n 9 � ° m r ro c zz H H [� H m 'o H PO H H n > mr