6920M M M M 264 RESOLUTION NO. 6,920 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SALE OF CITY -OWNED LAND AND ACCEPTING BIDS THEREFOR. WHEREAS, invitations to bid on the purchase of surplus City -owned land were duly advertised and bids received pursuant thereto, a list of which is attached as an exhibit hereto; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended that the following bids be accepted and the other bids be rejected because the staff has advised that they appear to be speculative; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors concurs in the recommendation of the City Manager and considers the following bidders to be responsible and their bids the lowest responsible bids. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Section 1. The following bids on the lands indicated are hereby accepted and sales in accordance herewith are hereby authorized: (a) Mr. Max Davis Property located at 1123 Spring Street Bid Price: $20,000.00 Use: Office (b) Rice Memorial Baptist Church Property located at 810 West 15th Street Bid Price: $3,500.00 Use: Parking for the church (c) Gospel Lighthouse Church Property located at 2900 & 2904 Martel Street Bid Price: $5,000.00 Use: New church Section 2. The appropriate officers and employees of the City are hereby authorized and directed to implement this Resolution accordingly. ADOPTED: January 18, 1983 ATTEST:q APPROVED: (/City AerJane Czech Mayor J. W. Benaf eld I Ni