6919RESOLUTION NO. 61919 A RESOLUTION ENDORSING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF CITY STAFF RELATIVE TO PAPER PLAT STREETS. WHEREAS, the staffs of the Engineering Department and the Office of Comprehenisve Planning have received requests for opening of paper plat streets; and WHEREAS, the City of Little Rock does not now have a specific policy dealing with improvement of such streets; and WHEREAS, there are instances of paper plats with potential for development; and WHEREAS, the recommended policy would aid in the pursuit of affordable housing; and WHEREAS, the existing policy applies an undue burden upon small scale development; and 201 WHEREAS, the City staff has made its report and recommendations in the premises; and, WHEREAS, the Little Rock Planning Commission has endorsed the staff report and recommendations, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: The following stated policy and /or plan for opening existing platted streets is of public importance and is hereby endorsed and adopted as policy for future requests. The plan and /or policy is as follows: A. In all instances, the review for opening of any existing platted street right -of -way shall only be accomplished after a formal request by the owner or owners of record abutting the street. B. In all instances, not less than one full block as platted shall be opened and only in those instances where the said block fully ties to existing public maintained thoroughfare. 262 C. In all cases, the street segment to be opened shall be reflected on the plan as appropriate. D. In all instances where a plan is approved in accordance with this policy, all streets indicated for abandonment shall be vacated by action of the Board of Directors. This action shall only occur as required by specifics of the plan. E. The criteria for filing a request to open a right -of -way shall be as follows: (1) Plans in proper form for all physical improvements prepared by a registered civil engineer. (2) A cover letter from the owner or agent stating the development proposal. This should include, but not be limited to, identifying all ownerships affected, the lot format as to dimension and conformance with the Zoning Ordinance and a development schedule. (3) All material shall be filed with the Department of Public Works. F. The criteria for installation of improvements within the open right -of -way shall be as follows: (1) The owner or developer on an undeveloped residential street shall provide designs by a professional engineer as required by current ordinances, and shall construct full street improvements as a part of his development. The owner or developer on an undeveloped collector street shall prepare designs for full street improve- ments and construct one -half street improvements plus the additional street width necessary to provide two way traffic. (2) The payment surface for undeveloped residential streets shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide with adequate shoulders. The pavement surface for undeveloped collector streets shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide with 6 foot shoulders. The 263 shoulders shall have a minimum of a single asphaltic surface treatment. The pavement in both cases must be of asphaltic concrete or portland concrete construction. The pavement thickness shall be as required in current City ordinances. (3) The street shall have sufficient crown to permit normal drainage from the pavement surface. (4) Street side drainage ditches shall be permitted except in those cases where the Planning Commission determines that curb and gutter and /or underground drainage is the only feasible method to handle the drainage. (S) The street centerline elevation shall be set lower than the elevation at the property line, on the high side of the proposed street, to permit proper drainage in the event a curb is installed in the future. (6) The street horizontal and vertical curves, grades, and other geometric conditions shall meet current City ordinances. The new street centerline will normally be placed in the center of the existing right -of -way. The foregoing plan and /or policy shall be implemented without delay. ADOPTED: January 18, 1983 ATTEST: q& APPROVED: I Y E JANE CZECH MAYURJ. W. BEN EAFELLD