7015RESOLUTION NO. 7,015 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DISPENSE WITH REQUIREMENTS FOR FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF $33,240 TO OTTER CREEK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY FOR STREET, DRIVEWAY, SIDEWALK, SEWER, AND WATER IMPROVEMENTS AND SITE GRADING FOR THE OTTER CREEK FIRE STATION PROJECT. 407 WHEREAS, the Otter Creek Development Company has deeded the property for the Otter Creek Fire Station to the City at no cost with the stipulation that the design of the station be compatible with the surrounding development now under way; and, WHEREAS, construction of the street and extension of utilities involved should be done by one contractor to provide for better coordination and continuity, and to allow for economics of scale; and, WHEREAS, the Otter Creek Development Company has agreed to provide for construction of the street, driveway, sidewalk, sewer, and water improvements and site grading for the fire station at a cost to the City of only $33,240; and, WHEREAS, this sum is substantially less than the usual cost for such work; and, WHEREAS, under the exceptional circumstances existing in this matter the normal requirement of competitive bidding procedure is not feasible; and, WHEREAS, funds in the necessary amount are available and have been appropriated for this project, NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to dispense with the requirement of competitive bidding and award a contract to the Otter Creek Development Company for construction 408 of the street, driveway, sidewalk, sewer, and water improvements, and site grading for the Otter Creek Fire Station for a price of $33,240 to be paid from funds already appropriated and budgeted. ADOPTED: June 21, 1983 ® / ATTEST: APPROVED: 1 Ci lerk a Czech mayor J. W. Bena eld