7012RESOLUTION NO. 7,012 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK AND PULASKI COUNTY FOR THE LEASE BY THE CITY FROM THE COUNTY OF THE OLD COUNTY JAIL PROPERTY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement in the precise form and strictly in accordance with the terms of the attached document designated "Lease Agreement" for the lease by the City of Little Rock from Pulaski County of the old County Jail Property. 394 ADOPTED: June 21, 1983 ATTEST: � APPROVED: CiV Clerk Jaq Czech ayor J. W. enaf eld mar a Resolution No. 7,012 LEASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered this 42. 'day of June, 1983, by and between Pulaski County, Arkansas (hereinafter called "Lessor ") and the City of Little Rock, Arkansas (hereinaft -er called "Lessee "). W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Lessor owns certain real property commonly called the "old jail ", and the improvements thereon have been found to be antiquated, unusable and in need of demolition, and; WHEREAS, such property adjoins and /or is included within an 1 area to be developed by Lessee as a public park, and; WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to provide for the removal of the old jail facility and foster redevelopment in the area of the old jail into open space and public park and use areas NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings herein contained and for other good and valuable consideration, I1 the parties agree as follows: 1) Lessor hereby agrees to lease, let and demise to Lessee that certain property hereinafter described for a period of years beginning June 15, 1983 and ending June 14, 2082, in accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; said property being more particularily described as follows: Commencing at the SW corner of Block 186 of the original City of Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas; thence N 196' to the point of beginning, thence E along the South line of the Rock Island Railroad right -of -way 142.54' to a point, thence Easterly along the S right -of -way of the Rock Island Railroad 110.45' to a point, thence Easterly along the S right -of -way line of the Rock Island Railroad right -of -way 50.65' to a point, thence S 44.32' to a point, thence N 79° 17' W 58.9' to a point, thence S 10° 43'W 20' thence N 79° 17' W 110.0' to a point, thence N 10° 43' E 42.7' to a point, �— thence N 80° 04'00 "W 140.9' to the point of beginning, said area containing approximately 11,890 square feet. Commencing at the SW corner of Block 186 of the original City of Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas; thence N 196' to a point, thence Easterly along the S right -of -way line of the Rock Island Railroad 367.64' to ', the point of beginning, thence S 69° 37'55" i t i i, subject property shall render this Lease Agreement void, entitling Lessor to immediate possession of the premises and Lessee shall forfeit any and all rights in and to the premises. 7) Lessee covenants that it shall not transfer, sell or assign its rights hereunder or otherwise sublet any part of the leased premises for any purpose whatsoever and fully understands that Lessor has no legal authority to lease the subject property except to a municipality and that any assignment or other transfer of rights granted hereunder will exceed Lessor's authority to lease and render this contract void and entitle Lessor to take immediate possession of the property and Lessee shall forfeit all rights in and to such premises. However, Lessee may permit use of said property in keeping with this Agreement and the development of said property as a public park area and use area. 8) Lessee shall have the option to renew this lease upon the expiration of the term specified in paragraph 1 hereof, and thereafter, upon the expiration of future terms, upon written notice to Lessor at least six (6) months prior to the date of expiration. Such renewal shall be upon such terms as are mutually acceptable by the parties. ATTEST: SIiIRLEY S iTH County Clerk SEAL: ATTEST_: J NE CZECH C ty Clerk SEAL: DON VENHAUS County Judge . W. BENAFI�LD Mayor 397 7