7010RESOLUTION NO. 7,010 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE NOMINATIONS TO THE PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Section 1. Nominations of the following persons to the Private Industry Council of Little Rock, as indicated in the attached Memorandum, are hereby approved: 331 (1) Mr. Charles B. Henderson, Executive Director of the Arkansas Business Development Corporation, Inc. (2) Mr. Warren Stephens, Associate in the Corporate Finance Department of Stephens, Inc. ADOPTED: June 21, 1983 ATTEST: APPROVED: C. y Clerk ne Czech Mayor J. W. Senaffeld M No BOA V&OF DIRECTORS COMMUNICAT]f — M E M O R A N D U M June 9, 1983 M M M s TO: MAYOR AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM:,% SUSAN FLEMING, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: APPROVING NOMINATIONS TO THE PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL OF LITTLE ROCK Mr. Mahlon Martin, who was appointed to Council (PIC), filling a position desig Development, in unable to serve in that B. Henderson, Executive Director of the Development Corporation, Inc., has been this slot. the Private Industry mated for Economic capacity. Mr. Charles Arkansas Business proposed to fill Mr. Walter Smiley, who was originally nominated through the Chamber of Commerce, has also indicated that he will not be able to serve. Mr. Warren Stephens, Associate in the Corporate Finance Department of Stephens, Inc., has been proposed to fill this position. SF:ji M Gjaimpa Sus--�an Fleming City Manager CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 392