6984RESOLUTION NO. 6,984 359 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF THE SURPLUS PROPERTY (THE OLD FIRE STATION) AT 14TH AND PULASKI STREETS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Section 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized, on behalf of the City of Little Rock to execute and deliver to A. L. Lockhart and Albert Lamb, as agents for J. H. Blount Lodge #472, an appropriate instrument to convey to J. H. Blount Lodge #472, the City's surplus property (the old Fire Station) at 14th and Pulaski Streets in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the attached memorandum. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force from the date of its approval. ADOPTED: May 3, 1983 ,l ATTEST: APPROVED: .y ` Ci y Clerk—j#tne Czech Mayor J. W. ffenafie ld City of Little Rock • Office of the City Hall City Manager Markham at Broadway Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 371 -4510 360 MEMORANDUM April 22, 1983 TO: Mayor and Board of Directors FROM: Susan Fleming, Acting City Manager SUBJECT: Sale of Surplus Property - 14th & Pulaski Streets The City of Little Rock has received an offer from Mr. A. L. Lock- hart and Mr. Albert Lamb representing J. H. Blount Lodge #472 to lease /purchase the Old Fire Station at 14th & Pulaski Streets at a price of $40,000. Should the offer be accepted, the lodge and the City staff have agreed to the following basic conditions: 1. They will be granted a 5 -year lease at $250 a month with an option to purchase within the 5 -year period. 2. When the option to purchase is executed, all lease payments received by the City shall apply toward the purchase price. 3. The lodge will allow the City to use any unused space at no charge (except for utilities) during the lease period for City programs. 4. The lodge shall be responsible for all upkeep, re- pairs and liability insurance. 5. The building will be used for the business of the lodge and space may be sub - leased with the approval of the City to other lodges, eastern star chapters, fraternities and sororities. I recommend Board approval. This property has been declared surplus and advertised as provided for by Board policy. san Fleming Acting City Manager