6983RESOLUTION NO. 6,983 M r M M A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AWARD IT A CONTRACT FOR INSTALLATION OF A COORDINATED TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM ON GEYER SPRINGS ROAD; AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM ACCOUNT #599 -8160 TO ACCOUNT #599 -8525 IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: 357 Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to accept the bid of Southwestern Electric Company and to award it a contract for the installation of a coordinated traffic control system on Geyer Springs Road, the specifics of which are set forth in the attached memorandum. Section 2. The Director of Finance and Administration is hereby authorized to transfer $27,906.00 from account #599 -8160 to account #599 -8525 to provide the additional necessary funding for the project as set forth in the attached memorandum. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force from the date of its approval. ADOPTED: May 3, 1983 ATTEST:_ Citp Clerk jaMe Czech APPROVED: Nrayor J. Kle&Ffield '= M, BOARD DIRECTORS COMMUNICAT: M E M O R A N D U M April 19, 1983 M M M M r TO: Mayor arW Board of Directors FROM: Susan ming, Acting City Manager SUBJECT: Geyer Springs Road Traffic Signal Interconnect Board Action Recommended: 1. Award contract to Southwestern Electric Company (Oklahoma City) for installation of a coordinated traffic control system on Geyer Springs Road. Final contract cost, after deletions from the original project, is $139,353. 358 2. Authorize the transfer of $27,906 from Account 599 -8160 (Traffic Signals, various) to Account 599 -8525. Background: Bids were opened on April 7, 1983. The original bid price for the complete system was $158,836. In order to award the contract with available funding, the scope of the contract was reduced by $19,483 in line item costs. Other expenses, $7,000 of which is allocated for utility adjustments, are expected to result in final project costs not to exceed $146,353. After transfer of funds as listed above, available funding sources will be as follows: 599 -8925 - Geyer Springs $131,242 399 -9501 - Master Signal Control System 6,500 399 -9105 - Forbing Road 8,611 Total $146,353 The project will provide all equipment and labor necessary to interconnect and coordinate traffic signals on Geyer Springs Road from Baseline to Forbing Road. The system will allow Engineering staff to program timing patterns to optimize traffic flow and minimize delay to motorists. The system will have the capability of remote monitoring for failures and performance by the Master Traffic Control computer which can be added at a later date when funds are available. SF:at2 CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS