6973� w w ■w w w�_ � � � w � RESOLUTION NO. 6,973 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO DEPOSIT MONIES FOR THE REMOVAL OF OFF- PREMISE SIGNS. w w = w 345 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby directed to deposit all funds hereafter collected as a result of the sign permitting process into a special reserve account. Said funds are to be used for the purpose of paying just compensation for the removal of designated off - premise signs. Interest earnings will be credited to the reserve account annually at the average rate earned on City investments. Section 2. As funds accrue in the account, the City Manager is further directed to report to the Board of Directors on the amount accrued and to provide recommendations on which signs are most inimical to the public welfare. Section 3. The City Manager is further directed to accept contributions, donations, bequests, devises and other monies offered by citizens interested in the expeditious removal of designated off - premise signs and to deposit these sums in the same reserve account. Section 4. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: April 5, 1983 ATTEST:_ APPROVED: , Ci C1erk.Ja Czech ayor J. W. Be afield