7063s 79 RESOLUTION NO. 7,063 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AWARD CONTRACTS FOR MICRO COMPUTERS FOR VARIOUS CITY DEPARTMENTS; FOR ROOFING REPAIRS TO #11 FIRE STATION; AND FOR LABOR AND MATERIALS TO CONSTRUCT THE EAST FOUNTAIN AT RIVERFRONT PARK. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to accept the bids of and award contracts to the bidders as set forth in the attached fact sheets and bid tabulations for the purchase of micro computers for various city departments, for roofing repairs to #11 fire station, and for labor and materials to construct the east fountain at Riverfront Park for total prices not to exceed budget, payable from the funds specified in the fact sheets. ADOPTED: October 4, 1983 ' 1.! ii 0 i. APPROVED: z. �� CLERK T `r • • • , CZECH CITY OF PURCH ASIN& AWARD OF BIDS OR SERVICES FACT SHEET DESCRIPTION: Micro Computers for the following Departments: Public Works 2 each City Clerk 1 each OMs 1 each Planning 1 each DISCUSSION: It is recommended that the low bid submitted by Computerland of Fayetteville of $36,390.00 be accepted. Item Department Account No. Balance 1F,2) Public Works 599 - 8302 -7.12 $12,032.00 Transfer Required - $3,490.00 3) City Clerk 599- 8302 -7.12 13,897.00 Transfer Required - None 4) OM.S 599- 8206 -7.12 12,515.00 Transfer Required - None 5) Planning Planning Budget - - - -- Transfer Required - $6,115.00 DATE September 20, 1983 RECOPMIENDATION: xx ACCEPT WAIVE COMPETITIVE BIDDING !!ENDOR:_� C uterland of Fayetteville _F etteville. Arkansas BID PROCESS: 'Nx LOW BID 0 "fH_R THAN LOW BID PROI=ESSIOMAL SERVICES: ­—LOW LOW BID _ NEGOTIATED OTHER (EXPLAIN) FUNDING: FUND: See Discussion OPERATING ❑ SPECIAL PROJECT ❑ AMOUNT BUDGETED: See Discussion APPROP. OR TRANS. REQUIRED: See Discussion ACCOUNT NUMBER: See Discussion AMOUNI OF PURCHASE: $.-Not to exceed budget BID NO: 3244 DATED: September 15, 1983 Certified By: Jerry Paul , CPPO Purchasing Agent M. m ro a c� IM O .ro (7 D — W H -o -< H �ao D TI :7 LT) m o a� cn O 0 H O a ro to M c z C' M 9 0 H b �-C Cd K b w N w d w w c I A� W N OMMr.b HS GH .. HAH13 C) H e v n 13 z rod H �n �n w n Finn ;n PO 0 H z 0 0 0 H. 0 nn �n �J n 0m rQ o (ADO ° o ° rn K o C`�D x K K z rt rt N y r+ b (D (D (D CD CD H O z � z n H (D D M rn CD CD H a r• P V cp W CT N ro H arts z0 V 0� W W A (� 9 O v (n (n A M r 171 n H H N� n H rt C M rt rt ° m t K O V V (n tO ro H H~ N .7 H O (D a N 4l N V V Fr N W A 00 0 9 O Vl N N O N M r M roc i C) H CyD o i O c+ H O r n O rn v V rn o ro H rn ° N f (J'1 CO W O W H A w i N V W 'D A 0 9 rn oo rn N W M r � , H C O CD H� F-' V W c0 CT N b H CA O O O O O M [9+ (n zz H H H M xu O n 9 Mr roc H H H M ro H zoo �r z z H H H M ro H T O H H c, 9 Mr (7 D — W H -o -< H �ao D TI :7 LT) m o a� cn O 0 H O a ro to M c z C' M 9 0 H b �-C Cd K b w N w d w w c CITY OF AWARD OF BIDS OR SERVICES FACT SHEET DESCRIPTION: Roofing repairs on 1111 Fire Station, 5300 So. University. DISCUSSION: It is recommended that the bid submitted by Bob Via Co. be accepted. The low bidder, Barrow Roofing Co. failed to submit the proper bonding with their bid and didn't sign their bid. A. W. Hepp submitted a bid after the bid opening time. DATE September 20, 1983 RECOMMENDATION: XX ACCEPT WAIVE COMPETITIVE BIDDING 4ENDOR: Bob Via Co. No. Little Rock, Arkansas BID PROCESS: ,a—LOW BID O'IHER THAN LOW BID PROFESSIONAL. SERVICES: LOId BID NEGOTIATED OTHER (EXPLAIN) FUNDING: FUND: General OPERATING SPECIAL PROJECT IM AMOUNT BUDGETED: 21,420.00 Account Balance APPROP. OR TRANS. REQUIRED: None ACCOUNT NUMBER:__.599- 8408 -3.01 AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $ _131736.52 BID NO: 3242 DAZED: September 6, 1983 t;ertitied By: Jerry Paul , CPPO Purchasing Agent ro 9 c� Fo 0 f D W Ti W O O T m m cS n T a °a a� n� a z ra e7 m o .c .a w w w 4 w c r _ !� �� �■ OW CITY OF fA -+ i -E AWARD OF BIDS OR SERVICES FACT SHEET DATE September 20, 1983 DESCRIPTION: RECOMMENDATION: Labor and materials to construct East XX ACCEPT Fountain at Riverfront Park WAIVE COMPETITIVE BIDDING DISCUSSION: Kinco is the General Contractor for Riverfront Park. When the bid was originally let this fountain had to be deleted due to lack of funding. An Additional appropriation and donations from Riverfest have provided enough funds to now finance the construction. It is recommended that this item be placed back into the project. VENDOR: Kinco Little Rock, Arkansas BID PROCESS: XX _LOW BID O'IHi_R 114AN LOW BID PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: ----LOW W BID _NEGOTIATED OTHER (EXPLAIN) FUNDING: FUND: General OPERATING EJ SPECIAL PROJECT AMOUNT BUDGETED: $75,000.00 APPROP. OR TRANS. REQUIRED: None ACCOUNT NUMBER: 599 - 8019 -3.01 AI4001 Of PURCHASE: $.M 700 57000 BIO N0: 2108 DATED: January 12, 1982 Certitied By: Jerry Paul , CPPO Purchasing Agent