7166M me = M = me= RESOLUTION NO. 7,166 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE VARIOUS PROJECTS AND ALLOCATIONS OF FUNDS AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK'S COMMUNITY DEVELOP- MENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM FOR THE TENTH YEAR (1984 -85); APPROVING THE CDBG APPLICATION; AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF THE APPLICATION FOR SUCH FUNDS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Section 1. The various projects and allocations of funds provided the City under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program for fiscal year 1984 -85 as set forth on the attached Exhibit A and the application for such funds are hereby approved; and the City Manager on behalf of the City is hereby authorized to file the application with the appropriate federal agency for the grant of the funds so specified. ADOPTED: March 20, 1984 ATTEST: APPROVED: CITY ' LERK JANE-VZECH MMOR M 107 �5 L' / 2 ® m m mom M M . M � * = M = s PROPOSED CDBG 10th YEAR PROGRAM East L. R. Community Complex $ 635,000 Code Enforcement 60,000 Citizen Participation 5,000 Rehab Loan & Grant Program 435,000 General Administration 185,000 Sidewalk Reconstruction - Central Litttle Rock Area 30,000 Sidewalk Reconstruction - Central High Area 30,000 Sidewalk Reconstruction - South Little Rock Area 30,000 Street & Drainage Improvements 802,000 Peyton, 8th to 12th Monroe, 20th to 24th Elm, 16th to 20th 15th, Martin to Woodrow 29th, Boulevard to Jefferson (if funds are available) Engineering for 11th year Construction 75,000 Tatum, 28th to 32nd 40th, Potter to Whitfield 46th, Elam to Barrow Pankey, Ives to Josephine Booker, 3rd to Capitol Oak, 5th to 7th TOTAL $2,287,000 100