7449RESOLUTION NO. 7,,449 A RESOLUTION MAKING APPOINTMENTS AND 362 REAPPOINTMENTS TO THE CITY SAFETY COMMISSION; THE HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION; THE PARKING AUTHORITY; AND THE SEWER COMMITTEE (WASTEWATER UTILITY). BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. That the following named persons are hereby appointed and reappointed as members of the respective Boards and Commissions: (a) City Safety commission Mr. Thomas R. Pennington and Mr. William L. "Larry" Martin, appointed to three year terms expiring January 2, 1988. Mr. Herbert Dicker and Mr. Maury Locket, reappointed to three year terms expiring January 2, 1988. (b) Historic District Commission Ms. Marian R. Bruno, appointed to a three year term expiring June 15, 1988. Mr. John Jarrard, reappointed to a three year term expiring June 15, 1988. (c) Tittle Rock Port Authority Mr. Thedford Collins, appointed to a five year term expiring July 6, 1990. (d) Serer Committee (Wastewater Utility) Mr. Louis J. Schaufele, Jr. and Mr. Gus Vratsinas, reappointed to four year terms expiring August 1, 1989. ADOPTED: August 6, 1985 ATTEST APPROVED: ATTEST: erk Jaie Czech ,Mayor Thomas A. ZPrince 2- /y 19-6