7448M M MM MW M M A r 4r m MM M 357 RESOLUTION NO. 7,448 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ENTRY INTO A MEMORANDUM OF INTENT WITH RESPECT TO PUBLIC PARKING FACILITIES TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN COOPERATION WITH METROCENTRE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS WHEREAS, the City of Little Rock, Arkansas (the "City "), has created the Little Rock Municipal Parking Authority (the "Parking Authority "), which is charged with the overall responsibility of establishing, operating or causing to be operated, public off - street automobile parking facilities; and WHEREAS, the Parking Authority, in cooperation with The Downtown Partnership and Metrocentre Improvement District No. 1 of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas ( "Metrocentre"), has employed E. A. Barton & Associates as parking consultants; and WHEREAS, E. A. Barton & Associates have established the immediate need for public parking facilities to be located in the area of Second and Main Streets and Sixth and Scott Streets, with which conclusion the Parking Authority has concurred; and WHEREAS, after extensive investigation it is the recommendation of the Parking Authority that Metrocentre be requested to construct and operate the parking facilities and provide the principal financing therefor in conjunction with the City; and WHEREAS, in order to proceed with the necessary plans for the construction and financing of the parking facilities, it is desirable that the City, the Parking Authority, and Metrocentre express their formal approval of the concept of the plan proposed to be implemented; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, as follows: 1. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to enter into a Memorandum of Intent with the Parking Authority and Metrocentre in order to express the intent of the various parties and to establish the general concept under which a plan for construction and financing of the needed parking facilities may be commenced. The Memorandum of Intent shall be in substantially the following form: M m! M M w me M M M 358 MEMORANDUM OF INTENT This Memorandum of Intent entered into this day of August, 1985, by and among the City of Little Rock, Arkansas (the "City "), the Little Rock Municipal Parking Authority (the "Parking Authority "), and Metrocentre Improvement District No. 1 of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas ( "Metrocentre "); WITNESSETH: 1. The purpose of this Memorandum of Intent is to set forth, in general, the provisions of a plan for the construction and financing of public parking facilities for the benefit of the residents of the City of Little Rock, which parking facilities shall be constructed at the locations hereinafter identified, and operated for the benefit of the public, by Metrocentre. The parties acknowledge that the need for additional public parking facilities is immediate and undertake to accomplish the construction and financing at the earliest practicable time. 2. It is proposed that the City's participation in the plan will be as follows: (a) The City will lease to Metrocentre Block Three, Original City of Little Rock, for such period as shall hereafter be determined, but generally under such circumstances as will enable Metrocentre to obtain necessary financing by the issuance of its general obligation bonds. (b) The City will provide to Metrocentre funds not to exceed $500,000 for the purchase of land in Block Seven, Original City of Little Rock, to secure a site for a parking deck to be constructed, in general, on the east half of said block. The land purchased shall ultimately be conveyed to the City and leased to Metrocentre under the general conditions set forth in (a) above. (c) The City will provide with respect to the lease of Block Three that with its further consent, which will not be unreasonably withheld, Metrocentre may arrange for the private development of that portion of Block Three which is not required for the construction of the parking facilities, -2- M MW M M mdm 359 provided that any funds received by Metrocentre shall be applied to the cost of the parking facilities constructed on Block Three, and as may be required by previous commitments of the City. (d) Each of the leases shall provide for rentals to be paid to the City which will reasonably compensate the City for the benefits provided subject to the requirements of the financing arrangements. 3. It is proposed that Metrocentre's participation in the plan will be as follows: (a) Metrocentre will proceed to amend its Plan of Improvement to restore the proposed parking facilities described herein within such amended plan and will proceed with the acquisition of land, construction and operation of the facilities, and the obtaining of necessary financing therefor. The financing shall be under such terms that the City shall not be obligated in any respect for any future indebtedness of Metrocentre or any loss with respect to the operation of the parking facilities. (b) Metrocentre undertakes that it will construct, at each location, parking decks for at least 600 automobiles, and that such construction will commence as soon as practicable after the financing is completed. 4. The City, through the City Manager and other members of the professional staff of the City, and the Parking Authority, as may be designated, will work cooperatively with Metrocentre and its advisors to develop the definitive documents necessary to implement the plan as herein expressed. The execution and delivery of any documents requiring the participation by the City will be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval when the terms thereof have been agreed upon and can be recommended to the Board of Directors by the Parking Authority and the City Manager. 5. To the extent that it is practicable is the desire of the City and the Parking professional consultants who have previously to assist in the development of parking Authority be employed by Metrocentre to implementation of the plan, subject to the of Metrocentre as to the nature and extent of are required. -3- and reasonable, it Authority that the been engaged by it facilities by the continue with the final determination the services which M 360 Executed this day of August, 1985. CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, R NSAS By: OA - Mayor ATTEST: By: City Clerk ATTEST: By: Secretary ATTEST: By. Secretary LITTLE ROCK MUNICIPAL PARKING AUTHORITY LM Chairman METROCENTRE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS By: Q� rman 361 2. An executed copy of the Memorandum of Intent shall be filed with the City Clerk upon completion. 3. This Resolution shall be effective upon its adoption and approval. Passed: August 6, 1985. ATTEST: By: City Clerk Jane Czech (S E A L) 1217A APPROVED: Mayor homas A. Prince I&W