116921 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 11,692 A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF POLICIES AND BEST PRACTICES ADOPTED BY THE LITTLE ROCK COMMISSION ON CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES IN ITS POLICY STATEMENT; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City of Little Rock created the Little Rock Commission on Children, Youth and Families (the "Commission') in Little Rock, Ark. Ord. 18,673 on April 2, 2002, and WHEREAS, one of the Commission's duties, as outlined in the Ordinance, is to recommend to the Board of Directors such policies and best practices as the Commission believes will aid the City in the delivery of services to at -risk children, youth and families in Little Rock, and WHEREAS, the Commission is further tasked by the Ordinance to make.funding priority recommendations to the Board of Directors for expenditures for programs for children, youth and families in Little Rock, and WHEREAS, subcommittees of the Commission met in 2003 to develop a policy statement encompassing funding recommendations, policies, and best practices, which were discussed and adopted by the full Commission, with direction to forward the attached policy statement to the City Manager and the Board of Directors, and WHEREAS, it is anticipated by the Commission that this Policy Statement will be revised annually as it continues to identify best practices in the delivery of services to at -risk children, youth and families. rze�owhoa To accept LN Commission on Child,m Youth & Families' Policy Statement [PAGE 1 OF 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 a NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Section 1. The Board of Directors accepts the recommendations of the Commission on Children, Youth and Families contained in its policy statement. ADOPTED: February 17, 2004 ATTEST: APPROVED: 8 Zla� AIXI 9 Nai cy Wood, City Clerk 10 11 12 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: 13 15 Thomas M. Carpenter, City Attorney 16 // 17 // 18 // 19 // 20 21 // 22 // 23 24 25 // 26 // 27 // 28 A*&q Jim lylley, Mayor [PAGE 2 OF 2] Resolution To accept LR Commission on Childrm, Youth & Families' Polity Statement 0 0 POLICY STATEMENT THE LITTLE ROCK COMMISSION ON CHILDREN YOUTH AND FAMILIES CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 1/7/04 FUNDING 1. Supports the passage of an ordinance to ensure that all Prevention, Intervention and Treatment funds will are disbursed according to the City of Little Rock's RFP bid process. 2. Supports the carryover of Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment funds that are unspent during a budget year to fund PIT programs the following budget year. 3. Supports the funding category recommendations in Attacment A incorporating the two documents "2004 CYF/PIT Funding Categories" and "2004 PIT /CYF Proposed Budget" CONTRACTS 1. Supports the reinstitution of a small contracts competitive bid procedure and recommends the procedures set out in Attachment B "Small Contract Application Guidelines ". 2. Supports more expertise in review committee meetings and recommends that a non - voting peer consultant be in attendance at the meetings. 3. Supports the addition of a contractor's past performance as a category in the proposal evaluation performed by reviewers, weighted 5 points in the 20 point section on Organization in the score sheet. Staff monitoring reports shall be provided to the review committee, as available. 4. Supports the addition of a new category "sustainability" to the score sheet, weighted 5 points in the 100 point scale. EDUCATION 1. Supports the development of a public awareness and education campaign concerning the issues affecting children, youth and families in Little Rock, with City support consisting of staff and funding. 11 CAPACITY BUILDING C� 1. Supports the concept of capacity building among the community -based organizations that are eligible to receive PIT funds. COORDINATION OF SERVICES 1. Supports improved coordination of services among the courts, law enforcement, parole offices, and adult substance abuse treatment providers by having the City convene a series of forums and discussions regarding better coordination of service delivery. TREATMENT 1. Supports a clear demarcation between prevention, intervention, and treatment services in funding adolescent substance abuse treatment, as different accountabilities are required of each service delivered. DEFINITIONS 1. Neighborhood Based Prevention Program: The City of Little Rock will fund programs that it describes as Neighborhood Based Prevention Programs. A primary requirement under this category is that these programs and services are provided from a facility physically located in a specified targeted neighborhood, and funds from the City of Little Rock are used only for residents of that neighborhood. The City of Little Rock will also fund programs described as Citywide Programs. Citywide programs are not required to have a facility physically located within a specified targeted neighborhood, but are required to provide services and programs within the City of Little Rock, be available to any resident of Little Rock, and to spend funds from the City of Little Rock only for Little Rock residents. The City of Little Rock Department of Community Programs and the Commission on Children, Youth and Families will encourage communication and collaboration between these programs, as well as any other organizations and agencies that will serve to enhance the fulfillment of the contract terms and the contractors' organizational missions. 9 0 LITTLE ROCK COMMISSION ON CHILDREN, YOUTH, AND FAMILIES SMALL CONTRACT ($1,500 LIMIT) APPLICATION GUIDELINES BACKGROUND: In December 1993, residents of the City of Little Rock passed a one - half cent sales tax for public safety related programs including prevention, intervention, and treatment services. The use of these tax dollars reflects the City Board's commitment to prevention planning, youth development, and treatment services that support children, youth, and families. INTRODUCTION: The Little Rock Commission on Children, Youth, and Families (CYF) was formed in May 2002 and serves in an advisory capacity to the Little Rock Board of Directors to make recommendations for the implementation of FUTURE -Little Rock goals and strategies. This includes before and after school and summer programs for school -aged youth and programs for pre - school aged children. MISSION STATEMENT: The Commission shall provide policy leadership and advocacy that improves the health, safety, education and quality of life of children, youth and families in Little Rock. ELIGIBILITY: Established 501(C)(3) organizations (or partnership with a 501(c)(3) organization) with a mission consistent with goals of the Commission, current PIT contractors are ineligible to apply. The Commission solicits proposals for programs, projects and events, conducted by nonprofit organizations that provide enhanced educational, recreational, family development opportunities for Little Rock residents. To apply for funding, organizations must submit a proposal, which contains the components enumerated below. A proposal will be considered on the basis of how it fits with the Commission's annual Funding Priorities; which include recreational, family development, and academic enrichment (with emphasis on academic support for promoting literacy and mathematics, and extended school day programming) youth development, and employability programs, substance abuse prevention, intervention and treatment services programs, and projects for children, youth, and families. GENERAL PROGRAM APPLICATION GUIDELINES: The City of Little Rock Department of Community must receive applications at least fifteen (15) days prior to the next regularly scheduled Commission meeting; or, at least 60 days prior to the event or start-up of activities to be funded. The Commission meets on the first Wednesday of each month. The time period covered for proposals should be no longer than twelve (12) months. The Commission has allocated up to $1,500 per year for each proposal received from an outside entity and approved by a majority vote of the Commission. If approved, applicants are limited to one contract per year. Leveraging of funds is encouraged. The Commission reserves the right to initiate specific projects for which bids may be solicited. Adopted 11/5/03 LITTLE ROCK &MISSION ON CHILDREN, YOU16ND FAMILIES SMALL CONTRACT APPLICATION COVER SHEET }SUBMITTED BY: Organization_ Contact Name Address City, State, Zip Phone FAX Email Address Federal nonprofit 501(c)(3) identification number: OR: Other type of federal nonprofit status: If applying using nonprofit status of another organization, provide the following information about that organization: Include letter from other agency board authorizing use of other agency's 501(c)(3). Organization Director/Administrator Address City, State, Zip Phone FAX PROPOSAL Amount Requested: $ Total Budget: $ Total Number to be served: Age Range # Males #Females #Families African American: Asian: Caucasian: Hispanic: Other: Start Up /Event Date: Response Needed: 'Neighborhood /Community impacted Brief Description of project to be funded: Citywide Project: Yes _No Submit proposals to: LITTLE ROCK CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES COMMISSION: Community Programs Department City Hall, Room 220 West 500 West Markham Little Rock, AR 72201 Attn: Barbaro Osborne, Programs Coordinator ATTACHMENT I Adopted by CYF Commission 11105103 The Finance Committee of the Commission reviews proposals monthly, and makes contracting recommendations to the Commission. The Commission will take action on these recommendations at its' next monthly meeting. Final approval is required by the City Manager's Office. Allowable Expenditures: The Commission may provide funds for the following types of expenditures: • Temporary Salaries and Fees — temporary salaries and fees for consultants, tutors, instructors and monitors for the direct delivery of the proposed service. • Supplies — purchases of supplies; printed materials, other supplies and materials directly related to the proposed service. • Transportation — bus or van travel required for the delivery of service. • Travel — conference travel, group travel, accommodations, trip insurance. • Meals /refreshments — as long as 50% of total contract is for other program, project services. Non - allowable expenditures: The Commission will not provide funds for the following types of expenditures: • Start-up funds. • Matching funds. • Permanent Salaries — salaries, wages and benefits for permanent, full -time or part-time, administrative or support staff. • Administrative and Indirect Costs — utilities, printing, telephone, postage, rent, insurance, etc. • Travel — administrative travel. • Lobbying. • Religious materials. • Facility maintenance. • Capital equipment purchases; e.g., computers, computer supplies, televisions, VCR's, DVD's, etc. Application Components: In addition to the Application Cover sheet (Attachment 1), proposals should be brief and include the following components: • Introduction: Describe the applicant's /organization's qualifications and credibility. • Program Design: Describe program, event, or services to be provided, planned number individuals, program /event start date and end date. • Problem Statement: Document the problems to be addressed by the proposal. Adopted 11/5/03 • Objectives: Establish the benefits expected of the funded program services, component/events the contract would fund. • Experience/Transferable Skills: Describe the applicant agency's experience, and experience of staff (attach resumes of temporary employees). • Statement of Compliance: Describe how the program fits the Commission's mission statement indicated above. • Methods: Describe the activities to be employed to achieve the desired results. • 501(c)(3): Provide copy of agency 501(c)(3), and letter from agency board authorizing application. If applying under another agency's 501(c)(3), provide copy of other agency's 501(c)(3), and letter from other agency's board authorizing use of agency's non - profit. The 501(c)(3) agency is the contractor. • Sustainability: Describe other resources, funding sources, and future plans for funding. • Collaboration: Describe plans to collaborate or link services with other agencies or organizations. • Budget: Clearly delineate total cost of the program, project or services. The budget should indicate all sources of funding and the expenses covered by each, including the funding requested from the Commission (Attachment 2). The Commission meets the first Wednesday of every month. Proposals must be received by City of Little Rock Department of Community Programs at least; 1. 15 days prior to the next regularly scheduled Commission meeting; or 2. 60 days prior to the event or start-up of activities to be funded. Submit proposals to: Little Rock Children, Youth, and Families Commission, Community Programs Department, City Hall, Room 220 West, 500 West Markham, Little Rock, AR 72201. Contract funds are not distributed until the City of Little Rock and the service provider (agency) have signed a contract. The Commission reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. Adopted 1 1/5/03 LITTLE ROO CHILDREN, YOUTH, A& FAMILIES SMALL CONTRACTS BUDGET FORM ORGANIZATION: DATE: Code SUB Description Total Budget Other Sources Other Sources Total Budget Temporary Salaries & Fees 1020 Part-Time & Temp Salaries 6081 Contracts (consultants, tutors, etc.) Supplies 2010 Office Supplies 2130 Printed materials Travel /Trans ortation Expenses 6201 03 Airfare Car Mileage; bus /van rental Lodging Registration Other Travel Costs (meals, etc.) 6033 10ther Insurance ravel Meals / Refreshments 5140 Meals / Refreshments TOTAL BUDGET Attachment 2 Adopted by CYF Commission 11105103 0 2004 CYF/PIT FUNDING CATEGORIES PROGRAM CATEGORY A CATEGORY B COMMENTS Youth Services Assistant A Mayor's Youth Council A Operations A YIP Youth Intervention Programs (2004 -10 Sites) A Neighborhood-based Prevention A Treatment Adolescent Treatment A Adult (Men, Women) A Education Substance Abuse /Family Violence Prevention, Intervention, Health information, Education B Joint Coordination Project/Pilot CLR/LRSD B Domestic Violence PR plan for service planning, coordination, identify available resources and services, identify service gaps, etc. B Neighborhood Support Centers A Central, Midtown, and West Neighborhoods East and Southwest Neighborhoods Tech Asst and Training A Summer Recreation and Employment Summer Recreation A Summer Employment A Parks & Recreation A Arts & Humanities Commission A Other PIT Funded Services Capacity Building B Youth Re- entry/Case Management Pilot (18 -24 year olds) B Public Relations Plan Development A Small Projects /Events Contracts B Citywide Programs (2004) B PCJS-Step One Alternative School B Evaluation Community-based prevention and intervention programs (Nei hborhood -based and YIP). B Treatment and Support Centers B (A) Proposed Program Funding from Base allocation. ($2,750,500.00) (B) Proposed Program Funding from Carryover (Reallocation and Contingency Funds). Adopted by CYF Commission 11 105103 2004 PIT /CHILDREN, YOUTH, AND FARLIES PROPOSED BUDGET Program Budgeted 2003 Category A 2004 Category B 2004 Totals Youth Services Assistant and operations) 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 Mayor's Youth Council 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 Operations 42,000.00 30,500.00 30,500.00 Youth Intervention Programs(M) 450,000.00 450,000.00 450,000.00 Neigh borhood-based Prevention (tl) 450,000.00 450,000.00 450,000.00 Treatment #2 450,000.00 450,000.00 Education #3, #4 100,000.00 100,000.00 Neighborhood Support Centers 2 centers #5 250,000.00 250,000.00 Tech Asst and Training 195,000.00 195,000.00 195,000.00 Summer Youth Program #6 420,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 Parks & Recreation 269,500.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 Barrow Nei hborhood/Parkview Project 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 Arts & Humanities Commission 25,000.00 Other PIT Funded Services Capacity Building ( 0) 75,000.00 75,000.00 Youth Re- entry/Case Management Pilot (I8 -24 year olds) ( #8) 50,000.00 50,000.00 Public Relations Plan Development ( #9) 60,000.00 60,000.00 Small Projects /Events Contracts 15,000.00 15,000.00 PCJS - Step One Alternative School 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 Citywide Programs (2004) (#10) 125,000.00 125,000.00 Evaluation #11 100,000.00 100,000.00 Total CYF /PIT Expenditures 2003 & 2004 3,008,500.00 3,275,500.00 Total Base Allocation 2,750,500.00 Proposed Carryover (Reallocation/Contingency) 525,000.00 Total Combined Allocation 3,275,500.00 Total Combined Expenditures 3,275,500.00 Category (A): Proposed Program Funding from Base allocation ($2,750,500.00). Category (B): Proposed Program Funding from Carryover (Reallocation and Contingency Funds). Adopted by CYF Commission 1213103 (1) Neighborhood- based, and YIP programs and services to include targeting Hispanic population in Little Rock, specifically in Southwest neighborhood. Neighborhood out -of- school time /after - school programs and services provided by organizations, physically located in target neighborhoods. (2) (a) Adult treatment. (b) Discussions and process underway to redesign service delivery system for adolescent treatment. (3) Substance abuse /family violence /HIV & other Health Related Prevention, Intervention, Education and Awareness, support groups, community presentations, etc., for Little Rock Youth ages 6 -17. (4) Joint coordination effort between (CLR/LRSD) — as a pilot project to coordinate after - school /out -of- school programs, information gathering/clearinghouse, assisting in building a bridge between CLR and LRSD, etc. National League of Cities also recommends such a collaborative effort. (5) Neighborhood Support Centers: pre /post treatment support services. Two centers serving geographic areas of Little Rock: Southwest and Midtown. (Southwest site includes east neighborhood; Midtown includes central, midtown and west neighborhoods.) (6) Summer: a) Summer Recreation — recommend same funding level as in 2003 ($200,000). (b) Summer Youth Employment — recommend an increase of $100,000. In summer 2003, there was close to 500 youth applying for 200 employment opportunities. An increase to $300,000 would provide 300 youth with employment in the summer of 2004. (7) Capacity building: to provide technical assistance and trainings to community based organizations and faith -based organizations in the areas of grant writing, program planning; youth worker trainings, board development; eligibility requirements and application process for articles of incorporation, and tax - exemption, etc. (8) Collaborative effort with LRPD, State DYS, DHS & DOC, targeting youth ages 18 -24 incarcerated youth in preparation to re- enter /re- integrate into neighborhoods, by providing targeted case management, needs assessment, employment referrals, training, transitional housing, etc. (9) CYF recommends development of a comprehensive public relations campaign/plan to address needs, issues, and identify resources for children, youth, and families. (10) Citywide programs to provide program enhancement services for youth throughout Little Rock — non - neighborhood based. (11) Evaluation: to address the need for objective outcomes evaluation of Community-based/Neighborhood- based and Youth Intervention Programs (YIP); and adolescent and adult substance abuse treatment. Adopted by CYF Commission 1213103