WHEREAS, on March 18, 2003, the City of Little Rock, pursuant to Amendment
78 of the Arkansas Constitution and Act 1197 of 2001, of the Acts of the General
Assembly of the State of Arkansas (the "Act "), adopted Little Rock Ordinance No.
18,843 establishing Midtown Redevelopment District No.I of the City of Little Rock (the
"District ").
WHEREAS, the Ordinance was adopted after public hearing pursuant to
published and mailed notice as required by law at which time members of the public and
other interested parties were afforded the opportunity to express their views on the
WHEREAS, a primary purpose of the District is to facilitate the prevention or
elimination of deterioration of the real properties and improvements thereon particularly
located within the boundaries of the District and the loss of employment and other
economic benefits that accompany such conditions.
WHEREAS, to pursue the District's purposes and objects it shall be necessary to
establish an advisory board to be composed of parties in interest to represent the District,
its real property owners and the city in planning, developing, financing and effecting a
plan of redevelopment for the area of the District by presentation and recommendation to
the official or employee designated by the city to effectuate the District's objectives.
NOW THEREFORE, Be It Resolved By The Board Of Directors Of The City Of
Little Rock, Arkansas:
0 0
SECTION 1. The Board of Directors finds that the establishment of an advisory
board for Midtown Redevelopment District No. 1 of The City of Little Rock is necessary
to further facilitate the pursuit of the purposes and objectives of the District, to be known
as the "Midtown Redevelopment District No. 1 Advisory Board" ( "Advisory Board ").
Section 2. The Advisory Board shall be composed of seven (7) members: four
(4) of whom shall be owners or duly authorized representatives of owners of real
properties within the District's boundaries whose properties are used commercially for
office, retail, medical or other business purposes; one (1) of whom shall be a
representative recommended in writing by the Little Rock School Board; one (1) of
whom shall be a resident of Little Rock whose home address is within two (2) straight
line miles of the District's boundaries, including residences within the District; and one
(1) of whom shall be a representative recommended in writing by the Little Rock
Planning Commission.
Section 3. The manner and method of selection of the individuals to serve on
the Advisory Board shall be by notice published by the City of Little Rock once a week
for three (3) consecutive weeks for requests for candidates to submit written
qualifications to the Mayor of Little Rock for positions on the Advisory Board. The
Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Little Rock Board of Directors, shall appoint
from the candidates the seven members of the Advisory Board.
Section 4. The Advisory Board's members terms of service shall be three
years. The initial terms shall be: three (3) members with three (3) year terms, two (2)
members with two (2) year terms and two (2) members with one (1) year terms. The
Advisory Board shall determine by random draw which terms are for the respective three
(3), two (2) and one (1) year terms and shall select from among themselves a Chairman,
Vice Chairman, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer whose
terms of office shall be fixed by the Advisory Board.
Section 5. The Little Rock City Manager, with the advice and consent of the
Mayor of Little Rock, shall designate the individual who shall be the city's representative
( "City Representative "), who shall be an existing or newly employed or appointed
employee or official of the City of Little Rock, to work with, authorize and facilitate,
consistent with the intents and purposes of the Act, the Advisory Board's planning,
developing, financing and other related business of the District.
Section 6. The individual selected as the City Representative shall be a person
of high moral integrity and good business ability, with emphasis on entrepreneurial skills
and experience in the areas of real property development, redevelopment and public
finance. The city shall compensate the City Representative in an amount sufficient to
secure the desired services, commensurate with the City Representative's experience.
Compensation to such individual shall be recognized as costs reimbursable to the city
from the District's project financing.
Section 7. The Mayor and the Little Rock City Manager shall take such steps
as are necessary to cause selection of the individuals to serve on the Advisory Board and
secure the services of the City Representative by December 31, 2003.
Passed and Approved this 2 "d day of December 2003.
`V l
Jim DUey, Mayor
Nan y Wood City Clerk