115461 2 3 4 5 6 • RESOLUTION NO. ii546 2983972426 87/21/23 89:48 :51 -M- Filed d Recorded in Official Records of CAROLYN STILLEY CIRCUIT /CUUNTY CLERK Fees 414.88 A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AND SUPPORT THE PROPOSED INCORPORATION OF THE COMMUNITY OF EAST END; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. 7 WHEREAS, the community of East End, located in Saline County, has seen 8 tremendous growth in the past several years, and 9 WHEREAS, there is an organization working to make the community of East 10 End an incorporated town, and 11 WHEREAS, the proposed boundaries as described in Attachment "A" are 12 completely within Saline County but are within five miles of the City of Little Rock, and 13 WHEREAS, Ark. Code Ann. §14- 38- 101(b)(1) requires that any new 14 incorporation of any municipality within five miles of the corporate limits of an existing 15 municipal corporation obtain a resolution of approval of the existing municipality, and 16 WHEREAS, it is the intent and purpose of the City of Little Rock to be 17 supportive of our neighbors and of their effort to improve their community, and 18 1 WHEREAS, it is the belief of this body that the proposed incorporation is good 19 for our region and poses no threat or inconvenience to the citizens of the City of Little 20 Rock; 21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF 22 THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: 23 Section 1. The Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, a 24 municipal corporation within five (5) miles of all or part of the territory to be�erYf15 "ra�('d��� 25 within the boundaries of the town of East End if it is incorporated' ,affirfn trvely -.`; Y V. '}ice %`.r''15•tiy:��✓ � � b [PAGE 1 OF 3] -�' �ry� >;' .•.. Resolution To Approve and Support Incorporation .a^ `\ "'(i}, t. „•t ", •'. d a° Of East End Community Grsa ;. a6 v P 4 1 2 K] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0 9 consents to such incorporation, with the boundaries noted at the attached Exhibit "A" to the Resolution. Section 2. Severability. In the event any portion of this resolution is declared or adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such declaration or adjudication shall not affect the remaining portions of this resolution, which shall remain in full force and effect as if the portion so declared or adjudged invalid or unconstitutional were not originally a part of this resolution. Section 3. Repealer. All ordinances and resolutions, and parts thereof, which are in conflict with any provision of this resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. ADOPTED: July 8, 2003 ATTEST: Nan4 Woo , City Clerk 17 18 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: 19 21 Thomas M. Carpenter, City Attorney 22 23 // 24 25 26 27 28 [PAGE 2 OF 31 Resolution To Approve and Support Incorporation Of Easl End Community APPROVED: /t d� Willie Hinton, Vice -Mayor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Doc# 2993 072426 - °'° °~ EAST END PROPOSED CORPORATE BOUNDARIE l ( PERIMETER. IO3AOLI5 FEET. OR. 19.51 MILES, AgEa. 0.538. W ACRES OF LAND.) 11 Toj Lttek Rock :mo eiiix.ai:a° Litt4 RRe Iw.3r aau. in ✓' ' <> -� ®Yl ue >a�xs..w* .. w.: x•xsz.rre' e E ]e o:mrv>e: ->r�o-x car k G •wrwe .eriep wa e IYK i'lR „ >YeT U.Yf �J4 �y2 II�a3� e 1 Il! 4PT0 C.� YnM°.]4 nux msv nr Bh]JJ W SALINE COUNTY �41>�,M °`� To SMridRM ARKANSAS : Ea38 eJ.Le 4swS R. LZe.31e. <USFT. SALINE COUNTY GEC EXHIBIT A: PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF EAST END Resolution To Approve and Support Incorporation Of East End Community [PAGE 3 of 31 YI R -12- _ o _,y✓ R LA N - xw..w ro. N a o� rj R.Pf 9 � 1 v.wL n I - EPS I • � Lal> ~ Cvo 4 �• ]u � Y t] Le]k]> ♦Cup _ rniwit MIS g M, N cR F INT Jew �If ' Stiff I bJt � COUNTY =M.�r• ]a 1 J i � yJ � IYK i'lR „ >YeT U.Yf �J4 �y2 II�a3� e 1 Il! 4PT0 C.� YnM°.]4 nux msv nr Bh]JJ W SALINE COUNTY �41>�,M °`� To SMridRM ARKANSAS : Ea38 eJ.Le 4swS R. LZe.31e. <USFT. SALINE COUNTY GEC EXHIBIT A: PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF EAST END Resolution To Approve and Support Incorporation Of East End Community [PAGE 3 of 31 N - xw..w ro. N - ,11 • •rS 4PT0 C.� YnM°.]4 nux msv nr Bh]JJ W SALINE COUNTY �41>�,M °`� To SMridRM ARKANSAS : Ea38 eJ.Le 4swS R. LZe.31e. <USFT. SALINE COUNTY GEC EXHIBIT A: PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF EAST END Resolution To Approve and Support Incorporation Of East End Community [PAGE 3 of 31