113900 0 RESOLUTION NO. 11,390 RESOLUTION OPPOSING THE PASSAGE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT 3 WHEREAS, Amendment 3, the proposed constitutional amendment to abolish and prohibit the taxation of food and medicine has been certified to be on the November 5h Ballot and, WHEREAS, the passage of Amendment 3 would result in a significant loss of Arkansas municipal sales tax revenue, and WHEREAS, the loss of this revenue could result in the reduction or loss of numerous municipal services such as law enforcement, fire protection, public work projects, community centers, parks and recreation services and, WHEREAS, the passage of Amendment 3 could do long -term damage to the quality of life for very Arkansan, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The City of Little Rock, Arkansas opposes Initiated Amendment 3 and urges all of the citizens of Little Rock to work to defeat this amendment in the November 5, 2002 election. ADOPTED: OCTOBER 15, 2002 ATTEST: NNA.WY WOOD CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: THOMAS M. CARPENTEld CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED: I Elm � I I / MIi