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0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 11,226 A RESOLUTION SETTING. THE DATE OF HEARING ON THE APPLICATION TO ABANDON JONESBORO DRIVE RIGHT OF WAY BETWEEN ZOO DRIVE AND MONROE DRIVE, IN WAR MEMORIAL PARK ADDITION OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. WHEREAS, An application to abandon Jonesboro Drive Right of Way between Zoo Drive and Monroe Drive in War memorial Park Addition of the City of Little Rock. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The hearing on said application shall be held at the meeting of the Board of Directors in the City Hall at 6:00 o'clock PM on the 19`h day of February 2002. SECTION 2. The City clerk is herby directed to give notice of such hearing in the manner prescribed by law by publication once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper published in Pulaski County, Arkansas, and having general circulation in the City of Little Rock, Arkansas. ADOPTED: February 5, 2002 ATTEST: Nancy Wood CITY CLERK NANCY WOOD APPROVED: Dailey MAYOR JIM DAILEY �0 gin, E RIGHT -OF -WAY ABANDONMENT G -23 -312 JONESBORO DR. BETWEEN S.MONROE ST. & ZOO DR.. �r Beach Abstract & Guaranty Company 100 Center Street • P.O. Box 2580 Little Rock, Arkansas 72203 Telephone: (501) 376 -3301 Fax: (501) 376 -5667 (Title Dept.) • Fax: (501) 376 -5603 (Escrow Dept.) November 9, 2001 Betty Riley City of Little Rock 701 W. Markham, Room 114 Little Rock, AR 72201 Dear Mrs. Riley: We have examined the records of Pulaski County, Arkansas, up to October 5, 2001 at 7:00 A.M. as to the following described property, to -wit: Part of NE'k and Part SE'k Section 6, Township 1 North, Range 12 West (Jonesboro St.) AND, we find that the names set out opposite the descriptions on the attached sheet are the last apparent owners of record of said property. We do not certify as to the validity of title and our liability is limited to the amount paid for this service. Addresses of owners cannot be guaranteed accurate. If we can be of further service to you, please call us. Sincerely, BEACH ABSTRACT & GUARANTY COMPANY IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CALL - 376 -5621 LEGAL DESCRIPTION • OWNERS • (Jonesboro St. - between Monroe St. & Zoo Dr.) Part NE and Part SE Section 6, Township 1 North, Range 12 West WD 166/526 Part NE and Part SE Section 6, Township 1 North, Range 12 West DEED 353/269 Part NE Section 6, Township 1 North, Range 12 West WD 363/569 OWNER City_ of Little Rock 500 West Markham Street Little Rock, AR 72201 City of Little Rock 500 West Markham Street Little Rock, AR 72201 Stadium Commission of Arkansas c/o 500 West Markham Street Little Rock, AR 72201 33654 Same Deed- 4 Same NO I sAND, Y,1,iE;4iim e, Deed ".A 3ZO55 'SaMe.% Deed do Lot 5, ilb'erf, Barksdale I AND VI :same!"., Deed,:.,. SAME. I 33656 . abldB&L As an,,Vy, L t C Ged'.rge4�Raym6ndE rrington,,u=d,,WD-14-3 to , 7 - -, - I ma IS2, Fitzgerald / / / //E In7l .-33658, single , .1 5 George '--Raymond. Harriihfgton - A,i,56591 -'�Flor-enci! M_Fulk. id0w' D # w i —, �a 1 Vr/4W4-\Auguatus M Fullc & wf EMebe cis Guy Fulk & wf 1711119 r�Cfty-of rle Litt�-J-G� Rook ok3,- 10-24_:f$40d.).,comp1 _bontr,.`5-l5-42, GB8&0 ." - ROCK' I , - 11� . Add: to';irge Ik -lS'ifROCK'jSLAND.,_. nt�a _(4017, -Elsie ; M-B&I-1 NP; Put Ark -,f,Sl,;- 15-24'4400... dombl�bonti 5-15-22. GBS&G.-,.- Lk' 13 ROCK ISLAND Add: to 'Argenta (now r -1;1'61 4 `Bair `Hp pul, Ark": 81`:,'z .j 4V "LAST'' Elsie M B Rp 'Ark::{ . 1k -10 -,¢ DEMAN IS f Add to LR t.1 t _ 24. 48000' $6000 cash; 50 notes +x$80 e a' � lle." a L7 , C i ty of 11R: r a: -'Con . = 0:1,3w cor"Q'ifiterliectiori-5th & St "'& - rimning W- 100'', parallel -with 5th an, SON S?4Ad"f. .,-l:, STEVENSO NS Add,`'' 01 7 - If, Dbk .d t`t r e g -22-47 I07 Sroadwsy` main �Street-8r1 dge`Die � Brl dge D -D•� 22 47 y 01�t2,4.7 =GSW ' tax"lien - '�byV: Agent -& Atty in Fact - - 160xs210:Dt,Lot 11� Pt'.LOt_II; l54 x 150 pt; t 11; pt LOt,ll`;.;60 x 1 Ci Y of `Little- Rookt�,` a ,L 11, J,:LOt r. , r L6 t " �!'ry ° %CJ 4 ; Lot #I4 I.o t . I Y4 Lot 17,.,- E.1 /3vta¢t} �zkat' LOt 1 , - N t W M Lot 18 Lot lg all in-H ©Q ADAMS, Sub OP;QFds 81� HS S o 12i-' 2 REJ:: viii* . sue sm � ,. � ,,.2 "�y.' m X+ ',. u"ra:: gll�in.. L!e`• FYZN -12E1 a .r - - 22r47••Aelsn R4�ard.NP PulArk 81 , 4 , . j �z .�- k:.. L A �t ysJM .,pu ,;'3 F, J `• j { "� 1 �t a - ;� x ,J, 'F w " '.. 107685 same Bridge u B 2z— �:728.7s cs�2G `tsa lien tB 1, Z' !4; Bik b _ .semeY ts- 5-6=7 silk; 7 , 100-$-9; . to 7 ',and N 50 Lots fjft E 1' Lo Blk 11- Eotslto$12 inol A1k22 t.K r ~ '4H ASS 9 Addn LR ,, h Yz °, to 4- 5 -6-7 -g Elk 26 GUNmi g"22.47 Lonie',C Caakmon tdPfP_ uI Ark Dl C^Y v � $ "r �P i"'bA,. a��iu'r° ��ar -• j',° ti. a"W-» 1s.�' �. .• � r � s :-! 'L •. ZIY'k 1 °� - 107656 Samaiel LrAdams.14 oaf Bernice >g qthe'Ko bB56Gryaubjset 53° ,.:.Go •' w ins N to D' 34'S1627 to �,;;Bettse; r:l95tx ! 'Ray. (;arner a;f Alta B \ Pt SF'* )SF} Sed14- 1AI -1j`n dA6c Se a�et aspt, 20I 8 and 5�4.6':W of NE cor . j =19E pea- /lk;4th;9.4250'; 3th W 75' ; 'th':lt" 'IW '_ the% i3A 1,5,i�pto `p+trt: begj" ; .' +, 20"7 Burton tlousen, N3� Pul Ark. - 61, •, �. ,. to76b? N L �rringtoa of Virginia d WD S-7 -4,7 1Qfl� #other �y(f884G, N �+ r iai >'44 Lat" =Hlk 2 R C 4POWERS 88w LR g5 T,'H'uAuggina & vrf Laura 6=22 #7:- Verlie C an-UP Put Ark Si ,. ,'.'-� tia, '4. +r. t(%.,I�dnT ,}z sm i; �:,+h 4': w!:.� r^� -,c' ���- �v :.{ ..�, •� c. y e Y .i' Nr N R7'• f r ihr«i TMr ..cY. }:k- .t4.. ; _. :.y - _ � .. .. P _ y 32 � � j, r w u �='lY w. „A �..,i, tV •,s + , I 111307 ,111308. �1r3o9 ,�3G3 �5 �1 111.310 3j .��,k.�$eSC}#�'!�'}£�✓��.. ii. 0..1 .P3 .4. � . F1 # 1 -2-48 cunt - - Metropolitan Trust, Co by VP &S /SjpV1D 12 -31 -47 :1500. GS &C Subject to redtr -to \ / Lot, 9 Blk 43 - PARK HILL Aden -to, ,NLR George Allen Davis &. wf Betty Joe 12 -314,7 Judy -A Disngh NP Pul Ark Sl , Paul,: Brooks &: ,wf - Anna..Mae WD 12 -26 -47.9 3000: GB S&0 to- Lot 3 Blk 32 Cf10CTAW Addn to NLR 50'x140' Angels M Deiure (Angela 44 Deiure), ✓12 -26-47 Glenn G Zimmerman NP Pul Ark S1 . City of Little_Ro`ek by -Mayor & Clk 12 -22 -47 gi GBS&C Beg t, NE. .cor 64- NE4' "Sec Fr1P] 12W th S 50 Stadium qommiasion of=,Arkansae ft:th, Pd, 83 degs; OO mins W 423' to ,rit beg ��, ✓ ""PA.at°. riffs iBi�.G:4 - ... whiex is NF eor..of tra t here desc; th ;N 83 degs 0D ,mins w 700' ..to NW :cor sd, tract; "ih S;7 degs; 00 mins W _700' to:_SW cor.s�, tract:; .th S 83 .degs,OQ mins E 700' to SE cor ad tract, t1h -N 7 degs 00 mri r)s _E 70Q' t,o� of beg - 11,25 acres morl 12 -,2 4 7 G H -inea NP Pul Ark Sl,. " Same Easement,D 8 -27 -47 931, GBS&C for use,ae to arking• space -at Stadium Same - �lk 11 u.T _ ._ V/I, k 22, except lot 7 V ? ts; 1 e -.4 Blk 6 _ 3 �ts 5 6 -77 Blk: 7 is 7 to 12 inc_l Blk 10 is 7 8 : Blk •26 CUNNIP?GHAT,' S Add n LR: 5 -27 -4; Maude Evans Rufsvald NP Put Ark Sl4 11311 Same, Easement D id 1 4 to 7- 7 9G1 _ GBS&;C . for use £ as parking spade �6r S.tadiu�h' Same;. r!.. A a 363 grcel #1'.- , in Sec 6-iN 12W; in LR desc Beg -st NF.�cor SW- WE,, .,Sec 62 th "N $7 degs W 418,3' , th t 0e mins W ;, g°5 7 (�: 573 th .P1 8 ,degs 17 mina`. 203"_ to pt be th S 1 'd.e �r min N` 671 of on :14 edge of public "roaq tip NV ''iig�a.].,D ?4'ly,e�?ge3sd: "ro d'S3 33't th T 5.88 deg$ 1- 7 minx F 311 7' "tq beg: 2 0 9 2cres morl 3 °arced #2'an Sec'- 6- 1N -12-W in LR.desc,`Be a NF cor S N g � ', . 4 , th P 87, degs i} S', 40 mins:E 418 3'; th 5,.0 mins W 1885 6';' th N 88 degs 17 mins W lj6 2� ; to:pt beg;. th S l deg 3,1 mins VJ 330 li',_th N B degs, 1 mine VJ th Pd 1.dege 34 "Tins E',330.4. th 5.;8$, degs 17 m hs Eg37'7to beg 072' " _Parcel #3.,,Ai Se-c:6 1N -12''1 in:LR, desc, Be" at NE cor S4, NE ah,N, 8 , de s u2 .. Z . v 4C mins V1 418,31; th S. 09 _:degs W;l$ 5 6!.; �b N:88 degs 17 min W 104' 51g�x:,. yti to' -pt beg;,. th "•S 8? de' g 1 m t�s F 312.5' ;..:.,:. .,d. ... - degs 7' .:to a. At -on A a[io•o'nf Rn�r7:. .,.......%.a • NOTICE OF HEARING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: r� u Please take notice that an application has been filed with the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, praying that Jonesboro Drive Righ of Way between Zoo Drive and Monroe Drive, in War memorial Park Addition of Little Rock, Arkansas be abandoned. The applicants have alleged that they are sole owners of the real property abutting upon said street. Described as: Jonesboro Drive right -of -way between Zoo Drive and Monre Drive in memprial park Addition to the City of Little Rock, Arkansas. :The Board of Directors will hear said application and determine action to be taken on February 19, 2002 at 6:00 o'clock P.M. in the Board of Directors Chamber, Second Floor, City Hall, 500 West Markham Street., Little Rock, Arkansas. All persons interested therein may attend and be heard at said time and place. NANCY WOOD CITY CLERK