11220EMU 9783 • 01 002 09:55:n AN Fil Recorded in Official Records of CAROLYN STALEY - PULASKI COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 11.220 CIRCUIT /COUNTY CLERK Fees $17.00 A RESOLUTION CHANGING THE NAMES OF COMMERCIAL CENTER DRIVE TO COLONEL GLENN PLAZA DRIVE, COMMERCIAL CENTER BLVD. TO COLONEL GLENN COURT AND HEALTH CARE BLVD. TO BOWMAN PLAZA DRIVE. WHEREAS, the owners of the I- 430 /Colonel Glenn Commercial Subdivision have requested that the names of three (3) streets within the boundary of the Subdivision be changed; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that changing the names of those three (3) streets will have no effect on abutting properties; and WHEREAS, the Little Rock Planning Commission has voted to recommend approval of the requested street name changes. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. SECTION 1. That the names of the following streets within the I- 430 /Colonel Glenn Commercial Subdivision are hereby changed as indicated. • Commercial Center Drive to Colonel Glenn Plaza Drive • Commercial Center Plaza to Colonel Glenn Court • Health Care Blvd. to Bowman Plaza Drive SECTION 2. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and the City Manager is hereby directed to notify all City departments of said changes. ,ADOPTED: January 15, 2002 ATTEST: City 'Clerk i:`39:Z•l+i007 ib i CITY LIMIT R2 �J AC ° r=° 'fQ6E� . � A z MF --------- -- 0 o _ Po •� o J ,III ll ° 101 d R 'Y b STREET i 1 1 ` RF �� •al e^ 1 Q RENAMED C V4L p�II 1 a Area Zoning Case # G -25 -184 N 1- 430 & COLONEL, GLENN Cr: 20.02 TRS: T1NR13W25 0 330660 Feet s PD 13 vicinity Map ward: 6 Item # 10 4"i 00'.