111900 1 RESOLUTION NO. 11,190 2 3 A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE AN AGREEMENT WITH AUDUBON 4 ARKANSAS TO DEVELOP A NATURE CENTER ON CITY PARK 5 PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE FOURCHE CREEK DRAINAGE 6 AREA CONSISTENT WITH THE LITTLE ROCK PARKS & 7 RECREATION MASTER PLAN; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. s 9 WHEREAS, the Little Rock Department of Parks & Recreation Master Plan, 10 approved in Little Rock, Ark., Ordinance No. 18,528 (July 17, 2001), stated that one of the 11 goals of the City is to conserve open space and promote biodiversity, particularly in areas 12 with unique and sensitive natural features, and 13 WHEREAS, one of the proposed methods to meet this goal was to utilize the 14 wetlands area of Fourche Creek, one of the largest urban wetlands in America, as a natural 15 area with educational and recreational uses, and 16 WHEREAS, in Little Rock, Ark., Resolution No. 11,099 (August 7, 2001), the City 17 authorized the issuance of requests for proposals to lease portions of City parks to some 18 entity to develop nature centers that would promote this goal and vision of the Little Rock 19 Parks & Recreation Master Plan, and 20 WHEREAS, in response to RFP No. 01319, which was opened on November 30, 21 2001, Audubon Arkansas was determined to have a responsible and responsive bid and, 22 therefore, was determined to be qualified to receive this bid to create a nature center, and 23 WHEREAS, the response of Audubon Arkansas proposes to construct, operate and 24 endow a nature center with kiosks, exhibits, trails, and landscaping, [PAGE 1 OF 31 Resolution Audubon Arkansas Nature Center 0 0 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF 2 THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: 3 Section 1. The City Manager is authorized to enter into a lease agreement with 4 Audubon Arkansas to develop a nature center on City park property within the Fourche 5 Creek drainage basin in order to provide conservation, educational, and recreational uses 6 within this Center. 7 Section 2. The City accepts the bid of Audubon Arkansas and the proposal to 8 construct, operate and endow this nature center in accordance with its bid proposal; 9 further, the City understands that the estimated costs for construct a 10,000 to 15,000 10 square foot nature center, provide exhibits, provide equipment, create landscaping, kiosks 11 and trails, operate, and to endow the facility, will require approximately eight and one 12 half to ten million dollars ($8.5 to $10 million) to be provided from Audubon Arkansas; 13 further, as a result of this capital outlay for this lease, the City will only require a nominal 14 annual rental payment of one dollar ($1.00) per year in exchange for the construction and 15 operation of the nature center in accordance with the response to the City's request for 16 proposals. 17 Section 3. Severability. In the event any title, section, paragraph, item, sentence, 18 clause, phrase, or word of this resolution is declared or adjudged to be invalid or 19 unconstitutional, such declaration or adjudication shall not affect the remaining portions 20 of the resolution which shall remain in full force and effect as if the portion so declared or 21 adjudged invalid or unconstitutional was not originally a part of the resolution. 22 Section 4. Repealer. All resolutions, bylaws, and other matters inconsistent with 23 this resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. 24 ADOPTED: December 11, 2001 [PACE 2 OF 31 Resolution Audubon Arkansas Nature Center 1 ATTEST: 2 3 4 Nan4 Wood, ity Clerk 5 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: 6 8 Thomas M. Carpenter, City Attorney 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 // [PAGE 3 OF 3] Resolution Audubon Arkansas Nature Center 0 APPROVED: jirwDailey, Mayor