11182Res II, 18200-10 1 2 / City of Littl Office of the City Clerk City Hell - 200 500 W. Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 -1429 (501) 371 -4765 MEMORANDUM TO: ity of LittIcAock.�Board and commission Co to ac0clirsoiniel r FR M• Janeen Freeman, Administrative Assistant SUB Boards and Commission Update DATE: January 25, 2002 The City Clerk's officeds in the process of updating the Boards and Commissions Book. Enclosed is the fact sheet ant'member list treat is currently on -file in our office. Please review these doctuments for accuracy,, i.e.,' spelling of names, current addresses and phone numbers, appointment and expiration of termdates, and' if posst ye please include an email address. e Please use the enclosed return envelope to mail this to our office no later than Wednesday, January 30, 2002. Friday, February 1, 2002 is my last day in the City Clerk's office. Please address future questions and concerns to the new Assistant City Clerk, Nataki S. Knight. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated to make this a smooth transition. cc: Nancy Wood, City Clerk Nataki S. Knight, Assistant City Clerk