111700 • 1 RESOLUTION NO. 11,170 2 3 A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH ROGERS 4 & DILLON TO DEMOLISH THE BUILDINGS AT 1115 EAST 5 SECOND STREET; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. ri 7 WHEREAS, in Little Rock, Ark., Resolution No. 10,441 (December 15, 1998), the 8 Board of Directors authorized condemnation proceedings against the property located at 9 1115 East Second Street -- informally known as the May Supply Building — in order to to include this property within the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Park, and 11 WHEREAS, after further negotiations failed to result in a purchase of the property, 12 the City filed an action in eminent domain on July 30, 1999, which was contested by the 13 major owner of the property, and 14 WHEREAS, on November 1, 2001, the Arkansas Supreme Court unanimously 15 affirmed the November 13, 2000, ruling of the Pulaski Chancery Court that the City's 16 action in eminent domain to take this property, upon payment of just compensation, as 17 part of the Clinton Presidential Park fulfilled a public purpose, and 18 WHEREAS, on November 19, 2001, the time to file any petition for rehearing 19 expired without such a petition being filed so the decision is now final, and 20 WHEREAS, on July 27 and August 3, 2001, the City advertised formal bid No. 21 01209R to solicit proposals for the demolition of this property and opened the proposals 22 received on August 14, 2001, and 23 WHEREAS, it has been determined that the firm of Rogers & Dillon submitted the 24 lowest responsible and responsive bid, 25 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF 26 THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: [ PAGE 1 OF 2] 0 0 1 Section 1. The City Manager is authorized to enter into an agreement with the 2 firm of Rogers & Dillon of Mayflower, Arkansas, in an amount not to exceed one hundred 3 and twenty four thousand nine hundred dollars ($124,900.00), to demolish the structures 4 at 1115 East Second Street, informally known as May Supply Company, and to perform 5 other appropriate work associated with the demolition of the structure. 6 Section 2. Funds for this agreement are available in Account No. 305 - 214 -A105 7 since this location is a part of the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Park. 8 Section 3. Severability. In the event any title, section, paragraph, item, sentence, 9 clause, phrase, or word of this resolution is declared or adjudged to be invalid or 10 unconstitutional, such declaration or adjudication shall not affect the remaining portions 11 of the resolution which shall remain in full force and effect as if the portion so declared or 12 adjudged invalid or unconstitutional was not originally a part of the resolution. 13 Section 4. Repealer. All resolutions, bylaws, and other matters inconsistent with 14 this resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. 15 ADOPTED: November 20, 2001 16 ATTEST: 17 18 / 19 Nan6 Woo , City Clerk 20 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: 21 22 G6 23 Thomas M. Carpenter, City Wittorney 24 25 26 27 28 APPROVED: Jim D ley, Mayor [ PACE 2 OF 21 PURCHASING FACT SHEET BID #: 01209R DATE ADVERTISED: 7/27 & 8/3/01 DATE OPENED: 8/14/01 PRE BID: Yes NUMBER SOLICITED: 59 DEPARTMENT: Public Works Building Services DESCRIPTION: Demolition of the May Supply Building FUNDING: Project ACCOUNT NUMBER: 305- 214 -A105 APPROPRIATION OF TRANSFER REQUIRED: None ACCOUNT AVAILABILITY: $4,199,607 AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $124,900 SUGGESTED AWARDEE: Rogers & Dillion RECOMMENDATION AND DISCUSSION: It is recommended that the low bid be accepted. • • pfd d• V, aL BID #: 01209R DEPARTMENT: Public Works Building Services DESCRIPTION: Demolition of the May Supply Building TABULATION Rogers & Dillion Antique Brick Jimmy Patton Wrecking Arkansas Excavating Patton Wrecking ($124,900) Award 155,629 183,000 213,435 273,000