111670 RESOLUTION NO. 11.167 0 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH JACK LANGSTON EXCAVATING, INC. TO MAKE IMPROVEMENTS TO KIWANIS PARK. WHEREAS, John Barrow Neighborhood Association had developed recommended improvements through a series of meetings with area residents with Little Rock Parks and Recreation, and WHEREAS, John Barrow Neighborhood Association made application to City Development Block Grants and was successful in acquiring funds for park improvements to Kiwanis Park, and WHEREAS, Little Rock Parks and Recreation prepared bid documents and conducted appropriate bidding process for these improvements, and WHEREAS, Jack Langston Excavating, Inc., was low, responsible bidder in the amount of $74,500, and NOW, THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LITTLE ROCK CITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS: SECTION 1: The City of Little Rock Board of Directors authorizes the City Manager to enter into a construction contract with Jack Langston Excavating, Inc., for $74,500. ADOPTED: November 20, 2001 N NCY OODS CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: THOMAS M. CARPENTER V CITY ATTORNEY