11147• • I RESOLUTION NO. 11,147 2 3 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY 4 MANAGER TO EXTEND THE TERM OF A 5 CONTRACT WITH THE LITTLE ROCK CAREER 6 DEVELOPMENT CENTER FOR SERVICES TO 7 ADULT UNEMPLOYED /UNDEREMPLOYED 8 WORKERS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED 9 $328,300 PAYABLE FROM WORKFORCE 10 INVESTMENT ACT CITY OF LITTLE ROCK 11 SUBGRANT NUMBERS 05 -P00 -ADULT 80 AND 05- 12 PO1- ADULT -80; TO ADD THE LITTLE ROCK 13 WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD AS A PARTY; 14 AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. 15 WHEREAS, the City of Little Rock was awarded Federal Workforce Investment 16 Act subgrants from the Employment Security Department to provide employment and 17 training services to Adult workers (05 -P00 -ADULT —80, Modification #3, and 05 -P01- j 8 ADULT — 80); and 19 WHEREAS, pursuant to federal regulation, the City's chief elected official has 20 partnered with the Little Rock Workforce Investment Board ( "Local Board ") for the 21 implementation of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998; and 22 WHEREAS, the Local Board has the responsibility for program oversight 23 pursuant to the local workforce investment plan, while the City performs certain fiscal 24 agent functions pursuant to a memorandum of understanding between the Local Board 25 and the City; and 26 WHEREAS, pursuant to 20 C.F.R. § 662.400 (c) and 20 C.F.R. § 662.410, the 27 Local Board and required One -Stop partners have designated the Little Rock Career 28 Development Center as the certified One -Stop operator in the Little Rock area and as r1 t_J i the primary provider of services within the center as well as the coordinator of services 2 with the One -Stop partners; and 3 WHEREAS, the City received the formal grant award documents from the State a Employment Security Department on August 17, 2001 with an effective date of July 1, 5 2001 ; and 6 WHEREAS, the Local Board formally approved a budget for this Adult Services 7 contract on October 1, 2001; and 8 WHEREAS, the City and the Local Board desire to contract with the Little Rock 9 Career Development Center for core and intensive services to Adult Workers, pursuant to to authority granted in 20 C.F.R. § 663.155 and 20 C.F.R. § 663.210. 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF 12 DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: 13 Section 1. The City Manager is authorized to contract with the Little Rock 14 Workforce Investment Board and the Little Rock Career Development Center for core 15 and intensive services to Adult Workers for an amount not to exceed $328,300 payable 16 from subgrant s 05 -P00 -ADULT 80 and 05-PO 1 -ADULT-80. (City Account No. WIA — 17 AO 1). 18 Section 2. The term of the contract shall be from July 1, 2001 through June 30, 19 2002. Work performed by the Little Rock Career Development Center on adult core 20 and intensive services on or after July 1, 2001 is hereby ratified. 21 ADOPTED: October 16, 2WI 22 ATTEST: APPROVED: 23 - l witl 24 Na cy *0d, City Clerk JVn Dailey, Mayor 25 26 APP OVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: 27 28 Thomas M. Carpenter, Ciq Attorney -2-