111430 • RESOLUTION NO. 11,143 2 3 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 11,118 4 (SEPTEMBER 4, 2001) CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF 5 THE REBSAMEN BIKE AND PEDESTRIAN TRAIL; AND FOR 6 OTHER PURPOSES. 7 8 WHEREAS, Little Rock, Ark. Res. No. 11,118 (September 4, 200 1) noted that Township 9 Builders, Inc. was the low bidder to construct a new pedestrian and bike trail along Rebsamen 10 Parkway, and 11 WHEREAS, the bid amount for the project was incorrectly fisted in that resolution as 12 $400,000 rather than the actual low bid amount of $440,722, and 13 WHEREAS, this resolution is needed to reflect the correct amount, and 14 WHEREAS, all funds needed to support this project are available in accounts 700 - 230 -YO05 15 and 210 - 230 -ZOO5. 16 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE 17 CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: 18 Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract in with 19 Township Builders, Inc. in the amount of $440,772 to construct a new Rebsamen Parkway 20 Pedestrian and Bike Trail, 21 22 ADOPTED: October 16, 2001 23 ATTEST: 24 25 26 27 Nan Woo , City Clerk 28 29 30 31 32 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: 33 34 35 36 Thomas M. Carpenter, City Att ey 37 38 APPROVED: Jim ailey, Mayor