111380 0 1 RESOLUTION NO. 11,138 2 3 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY 4 MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH 5 COUNSELING ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR 6 EVALUATION OF PREVENTION, INTERVENTION 7 AND TREATMENT PROGRAMS AT STEP UP 8 SUPPORT CENTER, BCD -BLACK COMMUNITY 9 DEVELOPERS AND BUREAU OF ALCOHOL AND 10 DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION IN SUBSTANTIALLY I 1 THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, IN AN AMOUNT 12 NOT TO EXCEED $49,890; AND FOR OTHER 13 PURPOSES. 14 15 WHEREAS, the City of Little Rock has been committed to prevention, intervention and 16 treatment programs to enhance public safety, community- building, and youth development; and n 18 WHEREAS, the City issued a Request for Qualifications to obtain a consultant to 19 provide quality assessment and evaluation of certain prevention, intervention and treatment 20 programs; and 21 22 WHEREAS, Counseling Associates, Inc., was deemed the most qualified applicant; and, 23 WHEREAS, a five - member selection committee identified and recommended the most 24 qualified applicant for the patient outcomes and quality assessment evaluation services contract. 25 26 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OR 27 THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: 28 29 SECTION 1. The City Manager is authorized to enter in a contract with Counseling 3o Associates, Inc. to provide evaluation of prevention, intervention and treatment programs at 31 Step Up Support Center, BCD -Black Community Developers and (BADAP) Bureau of Alcohol 32 and Drug Abuse Prevention. 33 34 SECTION 2. The contract term shall be for from November 1, 2001 to Oct 30, 2002. 35 Work performed prior to the date of this Resolution is hereby ratified. 36 37 SECTION 3. Funding for these programs is from funds remaining from the 1999 PIT 38 program contracts. 39 40 SECTION 4. Cost for the project will be up to $49,890. 41 42 SECTION 5: The account number for the project is #21003513014 43 1- 0 2 ADOPTED: October 16, 2001 a ATTEST: 5 6 7 Nan y Woo ,City Clerk s 9OVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: io 12 Thomas M. Carpenter, &ty Attorney M E APPROVED;