110500 46 RESOLUTION NO. 11,050 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH EZ GO TEXTRON TO LEASE GOLF CARTS FOR THE CITY'S THREE MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSES. WHEREAS, Little Rock Parks and Recreation began leasing golf carts three years ago to provide better equipment to the users, and WHEREAS, Little Rock Parks and Recreation solicited formal bids through established bidding procedures, and WHEREAS, EZ Go Textron was the lowest bidder and met all established bid specifications, and WHEREAS, Little Rock Parks and Recreation has anticipated this new lease and budgeted the necessary funds for this contract, and WHEREAS, this action will allow Little Rock Parks and Recreation to continue providing quality service, equipment and facilities to visitors and residents. NOW, THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LITTLE ROCK CITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS: SECTION 1: The City of Little Rock Board of Directors authorizes the City Manager to enter into a contract with the EZ Go Textron to lease 155 golf carts for use at the City's three municipal golf carts. ADOPTED: APEff 17, = CY W DS CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: THOMAS M. CARPENTER CITY ATTORNEY j 1A �l� MAY40R JIM �ILEY