110470 RESOLUTION NO. 11,047 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS IN SUPPORT OF THE RESERVOIR NEIGHBORHOOD ACTION PLAN. WHEREAS, the area residents and Neighborhood Associations formed a Steering Committee to develop a neighborhood Plan; and WHEREAS, the residents and other "stakeholders" in the area participated in a public meetings to discuss and identify area concerns to include in the plan; and WHEREAS, After several months of work by the Steering Committee, a set of goals and objectives were developed and presented to the neighborhood at a Plan Preview meeting; and WHEREAS, this Plan (Goals and Objectives) provides a way for both neighborhood based groups and others working in and around the neighborhood to advance the desires and meet the needs of the residents; and WHEREAS, comprehensive planning must include not only interests of the neighborhood immediately affected but the interests of the City as a whole; and WHEREAS, local government encourages and supports neighborhood -based coalitions that develop individual neighborhood organizations, articulate neighborhood views on community -wide issues, and facilitates the planning process; and WHEREAS, advocacy planning by neighborhoods is an acceptable and legitimate role for citizens and professional planners. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK', ARKANSAS. SECTION 1. The Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock does support the vision and goals as expressed in the Reservoir Neighborhood Action Plan. ADOPTED: App 17, 2001 ATTEST: RTNE V-3iTj Cy W o , City Clerk SECRETARY a j i j � 1 t r I I pp S z $ $ g s e ' f f s � s ` / IOM38 cc • • � � li a T I i S ti =iiit � t �j,M1 {ii ' i; #nia;l� tI ltttt.4 t