11046RESOLUTION NO. 11,046 A RESOLUTION CHANGING THE NAME OF 81sT STREET BETWEEN SCOTT HAMILTON DRIVE AND THE ARKANSAS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE COMPLEX TO COOPERATIVE WAY. WHEREAS, all owners of property abutting 81" Street between Scott Hamilton Drive and the Arkansas Electric Cooperative Complex support the petition requesting that the name of the street be changed to Cooperative Way. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. SECTION 1. The name of 81" Street between Scott Hamilton Drive and the Arkansas Electric Cooperative Complex is hereby changed to Cooperative Way, file G -25 -180. SECTION 2. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and the City Manager is hereby directed to notify all departments of said change. ADOPTED: April 17, 2001 ATTEST: Citf Clem] Approved as to form: tkA City Attorney APPROVED: AIJIMLV Mayor H 0 W 1-- W it. O O U _U DZ U W J W Cn Q z Q 0 INTERSTATE #30 0 (PROPOSED COOPERATIVE W Z O t-- _J U W F- 0} Z J O SL. O W TR5T1NR12W32 STREET NAME CHANGE ® ITEM NO. CT 41.07 G -25 -180 pp 14 .81 ST STREET, WEST OF WARD 6 SCOTT HAMILTON NORTH 11 /10 /00 08:39 FAX 5018884442 BRANDON ACCOQNTI 2002 'FROM+e FTTWK MPt04MUIENT INC • 601 374 9537 2000007 12 =40 #973 P.03/05 stn=e.dac 2 11/26/99 PETITION FOR A CHANGE OF S'T'REET NAME P G (3 C ONSIMSION MEETING DOCKETED FOR AT A petition is hereby submitted to the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas through the Little Rock planning Commission, requesting a change of name for the following described street. ► M P ► ML 19-MMM-FAM LOCATION: In south west Little Rock, takes Scott Hamilton one block an-W, of T -30. &,rn wer4t; This is 81st Street. PROPOSEDNAMS: Cooperative Way SIZE: SQ. FT. ACRES: Present use of the properties the street serves: No. of Residences 0 No, Of Businesses 3 ^ 81st Street is the rear entrance for Motel b, the side entrance for Brandon Square and the main entrance for Arkansas Electric Cooperatives. It is understood tbat notice of the public hearing hereon before the Little Rock Plannin�w Commission will be circulated by the applicant at hislher expense to all parties in interest A kan as u a tgie Cooperative Corparation P.O. Box 194208, Little Rock, AR 72219 -6208 (OWNER) (MAILING ADDRESS) HOME 7i°.�lc Kell =� PHONE: N/A (A! ) BUSINESS PHONE,: (501) 570 -2467 ADDITIONAL SIGNATURES: ADDRESS L 0en'C 422 - Estate of William A. _UDIVE—co-m—Ony MyeS 'PLANNING COMMISSION APPROYSD: Rd.. Little Rock, AR 72212 11/07/00 11:56 TX /RX N0.5086 P.003