10510RESOLUTION NO. 10,510 A RESOLUTION APPROVING SUBMITTAL OF 2000 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (TIP). Whereas, recommended 2000 TIP was prepared and prioritized by Department of Public Works; and Whereas, four projects are included in this year's submission; and Whereas, Transportation Equity Act for 21 Century (TEA21) funding process requires a competitive analysis of all projects submitted within identified urbanized boundaries; and, Whereas, A total of approximately $5.9 million in projects will be selected during this process, Whereas, if Little Rock is successful in competing for available funds, a maximum match of approximately $1,180,000 will be required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS SECTION 1. The City Manager is authorized to submit 2000 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Little Rock. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: April 6, 1999 ATTEST: ROBBIE HAN OCK City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: THOMAS M. CARPENTEAJ CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED: a�q�t �CQc2.c..e J AILEY Mayor 1J 5 1 J� 2000 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROPOSED Mabelvale Cutoff Phase I Chicot Road to Woodbridge Drive This project consists of widening approximately 3000 feet of existing narrow two -lane road to four lanes, with five lanes at major intersections. Two sidewalks, curbs and underground storm drainage will also be added. Approximate cost of this project is estimated to be $2,680,000. Mabelvale Cutoff Phase II Woodbridge Drive to Shiloh This project consists of widening approximately 2800 feet of narrow two -lane road to four lanes with five lanes at major intersections. Two sidewalks curbs and underground storm drainage will be added. Approximate cost of this project is estimated to be $2,430,000. University Avenue 19" to 28" Streets Project consists of widening approximately 3200 feet of University Avenue to a divided six -lane section. Two sidewalks and improved lighting will be included in project. This is last segment of University between Markham and Asher to be widened. Approximate cost of this project is estimated to be $2,880,000. Mabelvale Pike Asher to 35'h Street 491h Street to Gum Springs Road Project consists of widening approximately 1700 feet of narrow two -lane road to four lanes with two sidewalks. These segments are adjacent to Fair Park(Asher to 30`h Street), County's Mabelvale Pike (35`h to 491h Streets) and Mabelvale Pike (Gum Springs to just south of 56`h Street) TIP projects. Approximate cost of this project is estimated to be $1,240,000.