105091 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 RESOLUTION NO. 10,509 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH J.A. RIGGS TRACTOR COMPANY FOR THE LEASE OF TWO ARTICULATED DUMP TRUCKS FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS LANDFILL DIVISION. M M WHEREAS, the purpose of this lease is for removing unclassified excavation in- house; and WHEREAS, an engineer's estimate for dirt removal is $3,866,980 to remove material by contract; and WHEREAS, estimated savings are approximately $1,500,000 for in -house work reducing the development cost from $10.39 per ton to $7.20 per ton. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The City Manager is authorized to enter into a contract with J.A. Riggs Tractor Company for the lease of two articulated dump trucks for the Public Works Landfill. SECTION 2. Funding for this project in the amount of $134,136 for one year with the provision of extending this lease on a monthly basis up to an additional year is available in the Solid Waste Revenue Bond Fund. SECTION 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted: April 6, 1999 Attest: Ro bie Hancock, City Clerk Approved As To Legal Form: -cr�n9 Thomas M. Carpenter, Cit ttorney' l Approved: ��nn U�Q iinOAiley, Mayor 133 PURCHASING FACT SHEET BID NO: 99218 DATE OPENED: 3/17/99 NUMBER SOLICITED: 62 DEPARTMENT: Public Works Landfill DATE ADVERTISED: 3/4/99 BID LIST: 07055 PRE BID: No DESCRIPTION: Lease of Two (2) ea 25 -Ton Articulated Dump Trucks FUNDING : Solid Waste Revenue Fund ACCOUNT NUMBER: Solid Waste Revenue Fund APPROPRIATION OR TRANSFER REQUIRED: None ACCOUNT AVAILABILITY: $3,533,608 AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $134,136 Year SUGGESTED AWARDEE : J A Riggs Tractor Company Little Rock, AR RECOMMENDATION AND DISCUSSION: It is recommended that the low bid be accepted. Is also recommended that with City Manager approval this contract be extended on a monthly basis for one (1) additional year. 134 BID #: 99218 DEPARTMENT: Public Works Landfill DESCRIPTION: Lease of Two (2) ea Articulated Dump Trucks TABULATION: J A Riggs Tractor Company Head & Enquist Equipment LLC Hugg & Hall Equipment Co Mitchell Machinery ($134,136 Year) Award 171,120 179,520 185,520