10208RESOLUTION NO. 10, 208 z 3 A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH PULASKI COUNTY, ARKANSAS, TO PROVIDE SERVICES FOR A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE PULASKI ENTERPRISE COMMUNITY ALLIANCE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, one of the goals of the FUTURE- Little Rock process was to enhance small business development, particularly minority and women business enterprises, and WHEREAS, it is clear that any actions by the City, to meet constitutional scrutiny, must be race neutral and gender neutral, and WHEREAS, it is also clear that one reason small businesses often cannot compete effectively for the award of City contracts is the inability to gain bonding capacity and 16 technical assistance, and 17 WHEREAS, after a competitive selection process the Pulaski Enterprise 18 Community Alliance ('`PECA ") was chosen to enter an agreement with contractors and 19 service provides to provide such assistance to various portions of the County and, these 20 entities are willing to assist with similar programs for the area covered by the City of 21 Little Rock, Arkansas, and 22 WHEREAS, the initial monies for this project were provided to the State of 23 Arkansas by the federal government, with Pulaski County serving as the fiscal agent, and 24 WHEREAS, the City wishes to enter into an interlocal agreement with the County 25 to provide similar services to the City, as requested by PECA, Page 1 of 3 (Rec. 6- 9 -98.) 102 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF 2 DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: 3 SECTION 1. This interlocal agreement, entered into pursuant to the 4 authority of Act 430 of 1967, as amended, shall be for a term of one year, with an option 5 to renew for additional one year terms, provided: 6 (A) The initial term shall end on February 28, 1999, and 7 the initial renewal term, if exercised, shall end of December s 31, 1999; v (B) No term of renewal shall be granted if the Board of io Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, and the 11 Quorum Court of Pulaski County, Arkansas, do not agree to 12 such renewal by December 31 of the year immediately 13 preceding the renewal period; and 14 (C) There shall be no more than four additional renewal 15 periods so that this interlocal agreement shall, in any event, 16 expire by December 31, 2002. 17 SECTION 2. The County agrees to serve as the fiscal agent with PECA to 18 handle a sum, up to one hundred and thirty one thousand dollars ($131.000.00) to be paid 19 by the City to provide certain bonding and technical support to small businesses. Pursuant 20 to this agreement, a small business is one that has sales in the range of one hundred 21 thousand ($100,000.00) to five million ($5,000,000.00) dollars, but can include businesses 22 with sales less than one hundred thousand ($100,000.00) dollars that PECA believes can 23 exceed that amount with proper bonding and technical support. 24 SECTION 3. The funds that the City shall make available to this contract 25 have been set aside from the FUTURE- Little Rock proposals dealing with economic 26 development for small businesses. Page 2 of 3 • • 103 SECTION 4. The terms of this agreement may be amended by resolution 2 of the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, and the Quorum Court of 3 Pulaski County, Arkansas, provided, however, that the administration of this agreement, 4 if it does not involve a substantial change in the terms set forth above, may be s accomplished by the City Manager and the County Judge, or their respective designees. 6 ADOPTED: February 24, 1998 7 ATTEST: APPROVED: 8 to Robbie Hancock, City Clerk Ji ailey, Mayor II 12 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: 13 14 YY1 Is Thomas M. Carpenter, Cify Attorney 16 Page 3 of 3