97881 RESOLUTION NO. 9,785 2 3 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF CERTAIN 4 PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE LITTLE ROCK PORT 5 INDUSTRIAL PARK; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. 6 7 WHEREAS, Baptist Health, an Arkansas not for profit 8 corporation (the "Purchaser ") , desires to purchase certain property 9 located in the Little Rock Port Industrial Park owned by the City 10 of Little Rock, Arkansas (the "City ") ; and 11 WHEREAS, the City has been offered the sum of Eighty -Four ,12 Thousand Dollars ($84,000) for such property and is prepared to ,-i 0 113 sell the property for such price; 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors 015 of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas: 16 Section 1. The Board hereby finds that the proposed sale v17 will secure and develop industry in the Little Rock Port Industrial 18 Park, thereby providing substantial employment and payrolls. 19 Section 2. The sale of the property for the 20 consideration stated is hereby approved, and the Mayor is hereby 21 authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City a 22 Warranty Deed and the appropriate Plat and Bill of Assurance, 23 conveying said property to the Purchaser or its designee, and the 24 City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to attest said 25 instruments and to deliver the same to the Office of the City 26 Attorney for delivery of same to the Purchaser or its designee upon 27 full payment of consideration in the sum of Eighty -Four Thousand 28 Dollars ($84,000), payable to the Little Rock Port Authority. 29 Section 3. The property is substantially described as 30 follows with such changes as shall be approved by the Mayor, his 553 1 execution of the Warranty Deed authorized hereby to constitute 2 conclusive evidence of such approval: 3 A tract of land situated in the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of 4 Section 17 and the SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section 16, T -1 -N, 5 R -11 -W, Pulaski County, Arkansas, being a part of Area 6 101 as shown on the Little Rock Port Industrial Park 7 Addition to the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, recorded 8 in Plat Book 27, page 86 in the Circuit Clerk's office, 9 Pulaski County, Arkansas, being more particularly 10 described as follows: 11 12 Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 17; 13 thence N88947131 "W, along the South line of said Section 14 17, for a distance of 124.79 feet; thence N01412129 11E, 15 60.00 feet to the North right -of -way line of Sloane 16 Drive; thence along a non - tangent curve to the right 17 having a 50 foot radius, and a chord bearing and distance 18 of N44917120 11W, 70.09 feet, for a distance of 77.67 feet, 19 to the East right -of -way line of Mauney Road; thence 20 N00912152 11E along the East right -of -way line of Mauney 21 Road, 380.93 feet to the point of beginning; thence 22 continuing along said East right -of -way line, 23 N00412152 11E, 437.38 feet to the Southwest corner of Tract 24 B, Area 101 of said Little Rock Port Industrial Park 25 Addition; thence S89247108 11E, along the South line of 26 said Tract B, 544.64 feet to the West line of Tract C, 27 Area 101 of said Little Rock Port Industrial Park 28 Addition; thence SOO912152 11W, along West line of said 29 Tract C, 280.25 feet; thence N88247131 11W, 94.82 feet; 30 thence along a non - tangent curve to the right having a 31 383.06 foot radius, and a chord bearing and distance of 32 563424'58 "W, 357.22 feet, for a distance of 371.62 feet; 33 thence N88447'31 "W, 131.00 feet to the point of 34 beginning; said tract of land containing 4.8 acres more 35 or less. 36 37 Section 4. This Resolution shall be in full force and 38 39 effect from the date of its adoption. 40 41 ADOPTED: September-3, , 1996. 42 43 APPROVED: 44 ATTEST: 45 46 o - Ma or 48 city C e e k Jim Dailey 49 Robbie Hancock 50 (SEAL) 51 52 • • 554 1 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 2 3 A _ 4 t! h 5 City Attorne� 6