97211 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 RESOLUTION NO. 9,721 3 78 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE LITTLE ROCK PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL (PIC) AND THE JTPA DEPARTKENT TO EXPEND AND ALLOCATE PROGRAN YEAR 1996 (JULY 1, 1996 THROUGH JUNE 30, 1997) JTPA FUNDS - UP TO AN AMOUNT OF $701,929. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The Little Rock Private Industry Council and JTPA Department is hereby authorized to expend and allocate Program Year 1996 (July 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997) JTPA funds - up to an amount of $701,929. ADOPTED: June 4, 1996 r - Z. M 64M i M 0 0 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 379 Chamber of Commerce: This project will provide for marketing activities to include research of current business employment needs and employer outreach. Specific advertisement for informational publications, along with pamphlets, will also be developed. Classroom Training: Institutional occupational training will be provided by area schools and training facilities through contractual arrangements. Books and tuitional assistance will be provided. Vocational counseling and job placement will be provided by the JTPA staff. On- the -Job Training: Training will be provided for participants with both private and public sector employers. Training positions will be designed to meet employer needs and should result in full -time permanent unsubsidized employment. LRSD Summer Learning: Academic enrichment in reading and math will be provided for up to one hundred forty-four (144) participants over a six -week period. Outstations: This allocation will provide summer employment at various public worksites for youth ages 14 through 21. Our House: These funds will support JTPA eligible particpants in this project which provides a comprehensive competencies program leading to GED attainment and prerequisites for the computer jobs training center. *Training Related/Support: These are costs associated with assisting participants by providing certification. recruitment, counseling, assessment. development of appropriate training activities, job development and follow -up. *Administration: Costs involved in the administration of the overall program including managerial salaries and fringes and overhead. *Note: These cost categories and activities are a part of all titles. 10M • • JTPA FACT SHEET AND PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS 380 The amounts by title and allocations for Program Year 1996 are as follows: Title HA $225,644 Title IIC 37,421 Title IIB 217,105 Title III 221,759 $701,929 Classroom Training $130,994 On- the -Job Training 20,000 Chamber of Commerce 20,000 LRSD Summer Learning 50,000 Outstations 107,607 Retraining Activities 100,584 Our House 46,000 Assessment/Eligibility 30,189 Training Related /Support 81,371 Administration 115,184