9649155 1 RESOLUTION NO. 9,649 2 A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE STEPHEN'S 3 SCHOOL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND THE ADJACENT STEPHEN'S 4 SCHOOL COMMUNITY CENTER. 5 6 WHEREAS, the Stephen's School neighborhood, including 7 citizen organizations, citizens and others are strongly 8 supportive of the proposed redevelopment of the Stephen's School 9 as a model elementary school project; and 10 11 WHEREAS, the City of Little Rock Board of Directors and the 12 Little Rock School 'District Board of Directors have gone on 13 record to support the joint venture project; and 14 WHEREAS, the voters of the City of Little Rock have approved 15 funding for a new community center facility to be constructed in 16 conjunction with the new Stephen's School; and 17 18 WHEREAS, the Community Center Project cannot proceed to 19 development until the Stephen's School officially begins; and 20 21 WHEREAS, it is the best interest of the City of Little Rock, and the Stephen's School neighborhood to move forward with this 22 23 joint school /community center project as soon as possible. 24 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF 25 THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: 26 27 SECTION 1. The City Board of Directors strongly encourages 28 the Little Rock School District to move forward with the 29 Stephen's School project as soon as possible and reemphasizes the 30 pledge of City funds for the construction of the community center 31 project as approved by the voters. 32 33 SECTION 2. The City is strongly supportive of the Stephen's 34 School Community Center joint project because the project is a 35 catalyst for the ongoing revitalization of the Stephen's School 36 Neighborhood. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 SECTION 3. The City is fully supportive of both this project and other joint ventures between the School District and the City. SECTION 4. The City pledges its staff and resources to move the community center portion of the project forward as soon as notice to proceed is given for the school portion of the project. ADOPTED: March 19, 1996 AAT�T))TEST: ROBBIE HANG CK CITY CLERK APP OVED AS TO FORM: Get,- (til • C� -,�6� THOMAS M. CARPB ER CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED: �IM DAILEY YOR