96121 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 RESOLUTION NO. 9,612 A RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO UTILIZE FEDERAL -AID FUNDING WITH TWENTY PERCENT (20 %) MATCHING FUNDS TO CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS ON FAIR PARR BOULEVARD; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City has the opportunity to participate in a matching project with the federal government to construct improvements on Fair Park Boulevard from I -630 to West 12th Street; and WHEREAS, as a result of the fact that approximately 19,000 vehicles use this street daily although the current width of the street is not really sufficient to efficiently handle this traffic. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. Section 1. The Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, states its intent to participate with the federal government and to provide the necessary twenty percent (20 %) matching funds, anticipated to be two hundred and twenty thousand dollars ($220,000.00), to obtain federal aid to construct improvements on Fair Park Boulevard from I -630 to West 12th Street. Section 2. The Board of Directors notes that if this project is approved, matching funds will be taken from the 1996 Infrastructure Fund for the approximately thirty five thousand ($35,000) to be spent in 1996, and the balance will be funded in 1997. ADOPTED: February 6, 1996 ATTEST: W• APPROVED FORM: Z THOMAS M. CARPENTF41J CITY ATTORNEY \.1 APPROVED: G" Sty of Little Rock 1996 TIP Project Submittal • FAIR PARK BLVD. (FROM 12TH STREET TO I -630) (Priority 2) EXISTING CONDITIONS: The project area extends from 12th street 1,000 feet north to I -630. The existing street width ranges from 27' to 36' wide. This section of roadway provides direct access to War Memorial Park, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and I -630 on the north. This is a parallel facility to University Avenue and provides access to St. Vincent Infirmary Medical Center, the V. A. Medical Center and the U.A. Medical Center. During Razorback football games, pedestrian traffic is heavy. Pedestrian safety at this location is of major concern due to the lack of sidewalks in this area. There are no left turn lanes on 12th Street at Fair Park Blvd. which causes the intersection to break -down during peak hour traffic periods. This route is 1/17/96 a PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: The proposed project will upgrade Fair Park Blvd. to a minor 4 and 5 -lane minor arterial standard, which includes the construction of sidewalks on both sides. This project includes rechannelization of the Fair Park Blvd. and 12th street intersection and it's resignalization. Widening of 12th street is required at the intersection with Fair Park Blvd. to accommodate the heavy left turn movements. The project will bring this section PROJECT NW IweM 4,h IFur PVk g �I c) � �'•"�TM I I I w. i� i � li w iI gym, I sl I Iw 4 i a PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: The proposed project will upgrade Fair Park Blvd. to a minor 4 and 5 -lane minor arterial standard, which includes the construction of sidewalks on both sides. This project includes rechannelization of the Fair Park Blvd. and 12th street intersection and it's resignalization. Widening of 12th street is required at the intersection with Fair Park Blvd. to accommodate the heavy left turn movements. The project will bring this section • 62 of Pair Park into conformance with the Central Arkansas Regional Transportation Study (CARTS). Street lighting is also proposed to enhance traffic safety and to provide a safer environment for pedestrians. PROJECT SCOPE: FAIR PARK AT 10TH LOOKING SOUTH Engineering design and rights - of -way appraisal and ` acquisitions will be done by the f Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department or contracted to an outside consultant by the Department. It is estimated that total project cost including engineering, construction and right -of -way procurement will be approximately $1,100,000. The City's matching portion of $220,000 will be funded through a Special Appropriation.