8837RESOLUTION NO. 8.837 Ir 688 A RESOLUTION RENAMING PORT PARR TO PRATT CATES REMMEL PARR. WHEREAS, A Port Park has been on the Parks Master Plan since 1971; and, WHEREAS, The 1988 Bond Issue allocated '$80,000 for the development of a Port Park in East Little Rock; and WHEREAS, The Picron Ports Park Group, led by Pratt Remmel, Roland R. Remmel, and Edwin Cromwell, donated 10 acres of railroad ROW and 3,800' of Lindsey Road ROW for the development of the Little Rock Port; and WHEREAS, Pratt Remmel was a pioneer in the development of the East End of Little Rock and supported College Station community activities; and WHEREAS, Pratt Remmel was Mayor of the City of Little Rock from 1951 -1954; and WHEREAS, Pratt Remmel's sister, Carrie Remmel Dickinson, son, Pratt Remmel Jr., and brother, Roland R. Remmel, along with Fred I. Brown Jr. and Mahlon Martin, are active in the development of this park and recommend naming this park "Pratt Cates Remmel Park ". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1: The Little Rock Board of Directors hereby renames Port Park to Pratt Cates Remmel Park. Q -s0) .D - J ADOPTED: December 15, 1992 ATTEST: ROBBIE HANCOCK CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: THOMAS M. CARPE ER CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED: AA ,SHARON PRIEST MAYOR 689