88311 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 � w w ■w w w M � r RESOLUTION NO. '8,831 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT BIDS AND AWARD A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF UNIFORMS AND CLOTHING FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. 677 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to accept bids and award a contract to R & R Uniforms for items shown on the attached bid tabulation for the uniforms and clothing of the Fire Department, for a total price not to exceed the budget, payable from the funds specified in the fact sheet. ADOPTED: December 15, 1992 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Raw =3 1" 40 W";1W W 114 k M, APPROVED: w � -S-q C -(o • 678 PURCHASING FACT SHEET BID NO: 092068 DATE OPENED: November 24, 1992 DEPARTMENT: Fire DESCRIPTION: Fire Department Uniforms FUNDING: General ACCOUNT NUMBER: 100 - 340 - 4200 -2020 APPROPRIATION OR TRANSFER REQUIRED: None ACCOUNT AVAILABILITY: Budgeted 1993 ( 9128775.00 Budgeted in 1992) AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $75000.00 estimated SUGGESTED AWARDEE: R & R Uniforms North Little Rock, AR RECOMMENDATION AND DISCUSSION: It is recommended that the award be given to R & R Uniform. All purchases will be made in 1993 as per the terms of the bid and the Memorandum of Understanding with Fire Union Local 34. Farriors is the only other known local supplier (as required by the Memorandum of Understanding) and they failed to submit their bid in time. r 679 BID #: C92068 DEPARTMENT: Fire DESCRIPTION: Fire Department Uniforms TABULATION (R & R Uniform was the only bidd.er) 1. Dress Uniform A. One coat and. one pair trousers 5135.00 B. Extra trousers 37.25 2. Dress Shirt, White A. Long sleeve 22.90 B. Short sleeve 20.90 3. Work Shirt, Medium Blue A. Long sleeve 18.50 B. Short sleeve 16.25 4. Patch N/A 5. Work trousers 44.50 6. Tie, black in color 2.25 7. Shoes A. Thorogood # 1167, womens Disc B. Thorogood # 834 -6100, mens 50.25 C. Rocky # 8300, Boot 68.50 D. Thorogood # 1291, mens 43.50 E. Rocky # 911 -110, mens & womens 56.00 F. Nacoma boot 9001 -20 -000 98.50 8. Belt, black in color, leather A. Tex Shoemaker & Sons # 254 16.75 B. Belt Works # 300 6.50 9. Socks A. Execusox 401 -N 3.75 B. Jeffries # 1025 3.00 C. Jeffries # 1040 2.25 10. Tee Shirt, Crew Neck , Pkg. 3 9.80 11. Brief, Pkg. 3 6.51 12. Boxer Shorts, Pkg. 3 10.20