8747• SOLUTION NO. 8,747 • 4 4 V 1 2 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY 3 MANAGER TO REQUEST AND RECEIVE FUNDS 4 TOTALLING $500,000 FROM THE LITTLE 5 ROCK HOUSING AND FACILITIES BOARD, TO 6 MEET MATCHING FUNDS OBLIGATIONS OF 7 THE FEDERAL HOME INVESTMENT a PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM; TO ACCEPT A 9 GRANT OF $50,000 FOR THE PAINT YOUR 10 HEART OUT PROGRAM; TO ACCEPT A GRANT 11 IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000 TO BE 12 ADMINISTERED BY THE URBAN LEAGUE OF 13 ARKANSAS FOR HOMEBUYER AND HOMEOWNER 14 EDUCATION PROGRAMS. 15 16 WHEREAS, the Little Rock Residential Housing and Facilities 17 Board has requested proposals to utilize revenue and investment IS earnings from the Board's mortgage portfolios in order to 19 encourage and facilitate affordable home ownership; and 20 WHEREAS, City staff has proposed to use $500,000 to meet 21 the matching funds requirements of the HOME Investment Partnership 22 program; and 23 WHEREAS, although Congress waived the matching requirements 24 for the first year of the program, staff anticipates that at least 25 $250,000 of non - federal matching funds will be needed for each 26 subsequent year of Little Rock participation; and 27 WHEREAS, the $500,000 allocation will enable the City to 28 match about $2 million in federal allocation to Little Rock; and 29 WHEREAS, the Board further voted to grant the City $50,000 30 to be used for completion of the 1992 Paint Your Heart Out program 31 and to purchase paint and supplies for the 1993 program; and 32 WHEREAS, the Board further granted to the City $50,000 to 33 continue sub - grants to the Urban League of Arkansas for homebuyer 34 and homeowner education training programs. 35 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF 36 441 THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: 1 SECTION 1: The City Manager is hereby authorized to 2 request and receive funds totalling $500,000 from the Little Rock 3 Housing and Facilities Board, to meet matching funds of the 4 Federal HOME Investment Partnership program. The City Manager is 5 further authorized to accept a grant of $50,000 from the Board for 6 the Paint Your Heart Out program and to accept a grant of $50,000 7 to continue sub - grants to the Urban League of Arkansas for 8 homebuyer and homeowner education training programs. ADOPTED: July 7, 1992 APPROVED AS TO FORM: i v THOMAS M. CJWPEN*1'r.K U CITY ATTORNEY • :ir M NNIN - l - _o N PRIEST' I-S MAYOR