8703Ion on 'M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 4r m M M ®_ RESOLUTION NO. 8,703 M M M A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH MARY MEANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC., FOR THE PURPOSE OF WORKING WITH CITY OFFICIALS, BUSINESS AND NEIGHBORHOOD LEADERS TO DEVELOP GOALS FOR THE FUTURE OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK. :1 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, in conjunction with the citizenry, has concluded that it is necessary and proper to develop a strategy for identifying and setting goals for the future of the City of Little Rock; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Board of Directors to involve diverse groups of citizens in developing City goals for the future; and WHEREAS, in order to involve as many interests as possible and to properly identify City goals, the Board has determined that proper organization and professional advice is critical to developing an appropriate plan for the future. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with Mary Means and Associates, Inc., to provide services to the City in connection with the development of City goals for the future. ADOPTED: May 5, 1992 ATTEST: OB L LANC K C CITY CLERK "PROVED • •• v ir' T-HO14AS ./ ATTORNEY CITY PRIEST " • . e -54 281 AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS AND NARY DEANS & ASSOCIATES, INC. Agreement made this day of April, 1992, by and between the CITY OF LITTLE ROCK,—H-e-reinafter referred to as "Client ", and MARY MEANS & ASSOCIATES, INC., a corporation duly organized under the laws of the District of Columbia, having a usual place of business at 1428 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia, 22314, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor." C -I� � = = =4r M = M Section I Little Rock SECTION I SPECIAL PROVISIONS I.l Definitions "Client" shall mean the City of Little Rock. 282 Project No. 13392 "Program Director" assigned to this contract is Tom Dalton, City Manager, Little Rock. "Contractor" shall mean: whose authorized represent, successor corporation, who obligation of the contractor I.2 Contract Period Mary Means & Associates, Inc. 1428 Duke Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314 (703) 684 -2215 3tive is Mary C. Means, or any is responsible for the performance under this contract. The term of the entire contract shall be a twelve (12) to eighteen (18) month period from date of authorization. The contract price in Attachment B is valid for six months from date of execution of this contract. I.3 Provision of Services The contractor hereby agrees to provide the services to the Client as outlined in Attachment A, Scope of Work. The costs for said services as identified in Attachment B shall not exceed $253,528.87. I.4 Basic Services /Added Services The Client certifies that sufficient funds are budgeted and appropriated to compensate contractor for Basic Services set forth in Attachments A and B. Additional services provided expediency may be authorized writing), shall be at the follo Mary Means Virginia Benson Collette Carter MMA Staff I.5 Initial Deposit at Client's request (which for orally, but confirmed later in wing rates: $125.00 per Hour $ 90.00 per Hour $ 70.00 per Hour $ 25.00 - $60.00 per Hour Upon execution of this contract, the Client will make an initial prepayment of Four Thousand Nine Hundred and no /100 Dollars ($4,900.00) representing some of the initial travel and material expenses associated with the tasks outline in Attachments A and B. The remainder of expenses for these tasks will be billed as incurred. 1 (2-s4 D-I =4r 3 ATTACE[M[EENT A M t IIIIIIIIIIIII s m Little Rock SCOPE OF WORK 283 Contract No. 13392 Task 1. Process Design/Steering Committee Orientation and Goals Process Management. Meetings will be held with City officials, business and neighborhood leaders to discuss central issues and to determine the level of comfort regarding their participation in a consensus process. MMA will advise the city on the strategy for seating a Steering Committee (SC) and methods of involving diverse interests in the goal setting process, advise on the selection of a SC chairman(s). MMA will meet with each member of the Steering Committee individually to identify key issues, concerns and hopes for the planning process. The meetings will be structured as informal interviews providing an opportunity to an open dialogue with the Steering Committee members on the Future -- Little Rock planning process. MMA will plan, facilitate and manage four Steering Committee work sessions to: orient committee to planning process; establish ground rules; develop working knowledge of background issues and challenges; assist the committee develop in group problem solving and group interaction; and assist Steering Committee to develop an extensive community outreach program. Prior to each Steering Committee meeting, MMA will meet with the SQ chairs to coordinate meeting agendas, plan outreach activities and identify and resolve key process issues. MMA will be available to the chairmen and staff by phone for consultation as needed. Task 2. Community and Organizational Assessment MMA will conduct a series of structured interviews with up to 100 key persons. The purpose of the interviews is to gain insights on leadership attitudes and personal assessments on the dimensions of conflict and consensus regarding neighborhood, downtown and growth issues. The initial set of interviews will be identified by the Steering Committee members. MMA may chose to add to the list individuals identified by some of the interviewees. MMA will use a structured survey instrument along with an open -ended set of questions, so responses can be compared and quantified to measure prevailing attitudes and community values. The interview sessions will be held individually or in small groups. Interviews will run approximately 45 minutes. Following the interviews, MMA will summarize and evaluate the information in a report that is free of direct personal attributions. Among other important findings will be an assessment of how effectively various segments of the community work together, how high the level of trust is, and the degree of outreach that will be required for a successful goals process. page Al L —� Attachment A Little Rock Task 2a. Telephone Survey 284• Contract No. 13392 MMA and the University of Arkansas/Little Rock (UALR) Institute of Government's polling center will design and conduct a statistically sound attitudinal survey of residents to determine the validity of perceptions about the livability of city neighborhoods, level of satisfaction with city services, and other attitudes that affect investment and location decision. MMA will produce the survey instrument, assisted by UALR, which will also administer, tabulate and analyze results of the survey. For the telephone survey, 400 residents will be queried, a number that exceeds that required for a proper sample. Task 3. Refine Design of the Future -- Little Planning Process Based on an assessment of community attitudes, the degree of conflict, the level of apathy or engagement, the capacity of various organizations, we will refine the design of the proposed outreach effort and participation process. Working with the Steering Committee Chairmen and members we will develop a more accurate timeline, level of effort and outreach components necessary to produce the desired end products. Task 3a. Governance Task Force Issue Identification and Decision Making Process The Governance Task Force will be appointed by the Steering Committee at the request of the Board of Directors to examine the issues regarding the form of locally elected government. The Task Force will be chaired by two Directors from the Board. The Task Force will report their findings to the Future -- Little Rock Steering Committee. To ensure coordination with the Future -- Little Rock planning process, and to maximize the opportunity for constructive, non - divisive debate, MMA will assist the Directors in planning and managing the Governance Task Force's issue identification and decision making process. MMA will recruit and train a facilitator to assist the Task Force with their deliberations. MMA will assist the Chairpersons and the Task Force to identify the work program, recruit knowledgeable speakers, structure community input and establish guidelines for committee debate. If needed, and desired by the Governance Task Force, MMA will facilitate task force meetings if these meetings are scheduled around those periods when MMA is on site for other Future -- Little Rock activities. MMA will serve as a liaison between the Governance Task Force and steering committee. Task 4. Community Outreach Working with the Steering Committee, MMA will plan, develop and manage an extensive community outreach program to reach out to the greater Little Rock community to enlist their page A2 (L -,5q D �3 =4r Attachment A Little Rock Contract No. 13392 trust and invite their participation in this unprecedented process -- Future -- Little Rock. Community Outreach elements will include: • A slide show to be actively used to brief community groups and to recruit volunteers. MMA will script the show and direct a local photographer, and provide special photographic services as needed. The slide show will provide an overview of the Future -- Little Rock program, the challenge and opportunities facing the community; and identify ways that communities can respond to these challenges; and invite wide participation in this unprecedented process. • A kit of user friendly information on the issues and the planning process including fact sheets, press releases, briefing materials, etc. The Steering Committee will identify business, neighborhood, church, civic and service organizations interested in the future of Little Rock. Working with MMA, Steering Committee members and volunteers will make presentations to existing organizations and take part in small neighborhood focus group meetings. MMA will provide training for volunteers and steering committee members in presentation and outreach techniques. Task 5. City-Wide Future -- Little Rock Event A series of inter- active public events will be developed to focus community attention on the future, identify common goals and set priorities. The event or town meeting may take one or more formats. • A series of area "town" meetings will be held in late May on a successive Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Each will be held in a different quadrant of the city and will have an identical format. MMA will advise on site selection, facilities, and all logistical details. MMA will plan the meeting format, prepare all discussion exercises, train volunteer facilitators, develop all presentation materials, collate all notes from the facilitated discussions and provide a summary of the events and outcomes. • A larger, city -wide "Town Meeting" will be held on Thursday evening at a downtown location. Participants in the area workshops will be invited to attend; this event is intended to reach a broader audience than might be expected at the earlier events. MMA will advise on site selection, facilities, and all logistical details. MMA will plan the meeting format, prepare all discussion exercises, train volunteer facilitators, develop all presentation materials, collate all notes from the facilitated discussions and provide a summary of the events and outcomes. page A3 M mom M Attachment A 2H. Little Rock Contract No. 13392 Task 6. Steering Committee Retreat A day and a half retreat is planned for the Steering Committee to take place 7 - 10 days after the community -wide forum. The retreat will be an opportunity for the Steering Committee and task force members to participate in the opening sessions and develop a perspective for the global issues that will be discussed during the planning process. Small group work sessions with Steering Committee and task force members on the task force issues will be planned to provide an overview on the topics and priorities. MMA will work with the Chairmen to plan the agenda and design the format for the retreat, and will advise staff on site selection, facilities, and all logistics. MMA will develop the presentation material for reporting on the key ideas from the town meetings and summarizing the community input up to this point in time. MMA will plan, manage and coordinate the task force involvement in the overall Steering Committee retreat. MMA will assist the Steering Committee recruit geographically and technically balanced task force members for each task force. MMA will recruit and train volunteer facilitators to work with the small discussion groups. Task 7. Task Force Meeting/Steering Committee Meeting Cycle Immediately following the Retreat, the Steering Committee will form 12 Task Forces around the key issue areas identified earlier in the process, including the town meetings and Steering Committee deliberations. Task Force members will be recruited during the Community Outreach period and at the Town Meetings. Each Task Force will be chaired by a Steering Committee member and the work of the Task Force will be coordinated by the Steering Committee. The final Task Force report will be submitted to the Steering Committee for inclusion in the final Future -- Little Rock Report. The Task Forces will meet for 5 strategic planning cycles. Topics for these are: Issue identification and prioritization; Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT); Resource Identification and Information Collection; Alternative Brainstorming; and Goal Setting. During the planning cycle, the Task Forces will require the assistance of technical staff. The Task Forces may choose to request technical assistance from outside the community. The City and other key organizations will be asked to provide local resource staff as needed. MMA will prepare advance materials as needed, assist with the planning agendas, recruit and train volunteer facilitators and coordinate the task force meetings. Utilizing its national network of contacts, MMA will advise on appropriate providers of technical assistance which might include persons involved in successful community -based initiatives in other cities. page A4 -5*q Imo" S M M M � m 4r Attachment A Little Rock Contract No. 13392 During the Task Force strategic planning cycle, the Steering Committee will meet to hear reports from the task force chairs, and to provide feedback to the task forces. In addition, the Steering Committee will develop a framework for the final report, and overall goal statements for issues that are over - arching, such as community and race relations. Working with the Chairmen, MMA will plan the agenda and facilitate the Steering Committee meetings. The level of effort and budget upon which MMA's estimated fee is based is predicated upon the Task Force and Steering Committee meetings taking place during the same week. Should additional trips be requested, fees and expenses will be additional. Task 8. Future -- Little Rock Report Each Task Force will develop a report identifying the goals, objectives and actions for their topical area. These reports will be submitted to the Steering Committee for inclusion in the final Future -- Little Rock Report. The Future -- Little Rock Report will reflect a consensus of the community, prioritize actions, and identify resources to carryout the goals. The Future -- Little Rock Report will be developed by the Steering Committee and will be presented to the City Board of Directors and other key organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce, Coalition of Neighborhoods and others. The Task Force reports will be developed in a notebook format. MMA suggests that each Task Force report contain Background; Mission Statement; Goals and Strategic Actions; and that a matrix for each Goal Statement present the recommended Actions; Resources; Timeline; and First Steps. The Steering Committee will review all of the Task Force reports, consolidate and highlight areas of consensus, resolve conflicts in the development of the Future -- Little Rock Report. MMA will plan, manage, and coordinate the review of the Task Force reports. MMA will coach the Task Forces in development of reports and matrixes. The Future -- Little Rock report will include: Background; Overall Mission Statement; Prioritized Goals and Objectives; and Implementation Plan. In addition, MMA will develop an Executive Summary of the report suitable for distribution to a larger audience. The Steering Committee will be responsible for reviewing Task Force reports; identifying areas of agreement; development of the first draft; development of implementation plan; recruiting agreement on implementation plan and resources; reviewing Consultant draft of Goals Report; responding to the draft in writing. MMA will plan, manage and coordinate development of the Steering Committee report. MMA will coach the Steering Committee in development of report and matrixes. MMA will page AS ( -SCI '-) — le 28$ Attachment A Little Rock Contract No. 13392 advise the Steering Committee on implementation strategies. MMA will develop one draft of the Task Force reports. The Task Forces will submit changes in writing to MMA. MIvIA will provide editorial revisions to the report. Editorial revisions will not exceed 12 professional hours. MMA will develop one draft of the Steering Committee report. The Steering Committee will submit editorial changes in writing to N4NL4. NINIA will provide editorial revisions to the report. Editorial revisions will not exceed 12 professional hours. MMA will deliver to the Steering Committee one copy of each report, in a desk top published format. MMA is not responsible for printing; graphic design or layout of the final report. page A6 289 Attachment B Little Rock Contract No. 13392 TASK/T VIE ESTIMATES Task Fees/Expenses 1. Process Design/Steering Committee 60,622.87 Orientation and Process Management Professional Fees: $41,430.00 Expenses: 19,192.07 M. Means 20.10 days 7 trip I Benson 26.75 days 6 trip 2. Organizational Assessment 14,780.00 Professional Fees: 13,360.00 Expenses 1,420.00 M. Means 5.00 days 7. Benson 9.00 days C. Carter 5.00 days 1 trip * Travel for on -site activities is included in Task 1. 2a. Telephone Survey 111200.00 Professional Fees: 2,480.00 Subcontract: (UALR) 8,500.00 Expenses: 220.00 M. Means 1.00 days I Benson 1.50 days C. Carter 1.00 days * Travel for on -site activities is included in Task 1. Task 3. Refine Process Design 2,520.00 Professional Fees: 1,600.00 Expenses: 920.00 M. Means 1.00 days I Benson 1.00 days 1 trip page B1 2 -5�1 Attachment B Emig _ 1_ z90 Little Rock Contract No. 13392 3a. Governance Task Force 8,680.00 Professional Fees: 8,240.00 Expenses: 440.00 M. Means 3.13 days J. Benson 6.00 days C. Carter 2.50 days * Travel for on -site activities is included in Tasks 1, 4 & 5 4. Community Outreach 14,835.00 Professional Fees: 11,040.00 Expenses: 3,795.00 M. Means 4.50 days 1 trip J. Benson 8.00 days 1 trip C. Carter 2.00 days 1 trip Admin Staff 2.00 days 5. City-Wide Future -- Little Rock Event(s) 29,170.00 Professional Fees: 24,040.00 Expenses: 5,130.00 M. Means 9.50 days 1 trip I Benson 15.50 days 1 trip G Carter 8.50 days 1 trip Admin Staff 1.00 days 6. Steering Committee Retreat 12,205.00 Professional Fees: 8,160.00 Expenses: 4,045.00 M. Means 4.00 days 1 trip I Benson 5.00 days 1 trip C. Carter 2.00 days 1 trip * Travel for on -site activities is included in Task 6. page B2 1}q 1 291 Attachment B Little Rock Contract No. 13392 7. Task Force Planning Process/ Steering Committee Meetings 72,150.00 (five month planning process) Professional Fees: 60,000.00 Expenses: 12,150.00 M. Means 27.50 days 5 trips J. Benson 52.50 days 5 trips S. Future -- Little Rock Steering Committee Report Development 27,365.00 Professional Fees: 20,000.00 Expenses: 7,365.00 M. Means 10.00 days 4 trips J. Benson 15.00 days 4 trips Total $253,527.87 page B3 `� —la