86581 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 114 RESOLOTION NO. 8,658 A RESOLDTION AUTHORIZING THE JOB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP ACT (JTPA) DEPARTMENT TO EXPEND $251,697 OF TITLE II -A CARRYOVER FUNDS AND $160,334 OF INCENTIVE MONIES FOR VARIOUS PROGRAMS. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1: The Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Department is hereby authorized to expend $251,697 of Title II -A carryover funds and $160,334 of incentive monies for the various programs and in the amounts listed below. Little Rock Municipal Court $ 53,950.00 Little Rock Chamber of Commerce 40,000.00 Henkels & McCoy 60,000.00 Classroom Training 31,303.00 Youth Opportunities Unlimited 130,000.00 Lifeguard Project 4,200.00 Participant Assistance 22,286.00 Administration 70.285.80 $412,024.00 ADOPTED: February 18, 1992 ATTEST: ROBBIE HANCOCK, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: AMARON PRIEST, MAYOR 7,5a, 34 M M Program Year 1991 Title II -A Program Descriptions Little Rock MunicipalCOurt: This program will serve sixty (60) youth defendants between the ages of 16 and 21 who will remain out of jail, under Court supervision, while awaiting trial. Individuals in the Pre -Trial Release Program may have a period of two to four months prior to their trial. Participants in the Work Program will be provided employment skills training and basic education skills training forthose who have not attained a high school diploma or equivalent. Additionally, participants may be involved in an average of twenty -five (25) hours per week of paid work experience at minimum wage. The work experience jobs will be with local volunteer agencies. The Court will help persons re -enter school or other educational programs. Persons in school must make satisfactory progress which includes maintaining good attendance. Little Rock Chamber of Commerce: This is a marketing project. The Chamber of Commerce will conduct an advertising campaign for the Job Training Program and will also refer new and existing Chamber members to the LRJTJPA Program for their employment needs. The advertising approach will include involving the PIC program in the business newsletter, Sma-11__Street- Journal and updating the JTPA video. A local image campaign will be conducted to improve the image of the Private Industry Council's On- the -Job Training Program in Central Arkansas. The Chamber also proposes to develop and assist in establishing workshops and or seminars with members of business and industry. Henkels-- .,.,- &McCo.y_,Inc_: The "Build Me - -Keep Me" Program provides youth with an introduction to the World of Electronics with hands on training in a laboratory setting. The objective of this program is to encourage continued education and provide an awareness of the academic requirements for electronic related careers. The training has been enhanced to include a computer and computer -- robotics awareness. Students building their own IBM compatible computers will receive instruction in MS -DOS, program preparations and program operation. . I •1. rr r r r • y P• 1 r'. � i � .i \SI•'II rJ .: f rl l !. L.1. r , .r. i �. 1. _, 'n r lrll rl .. •t t. 'rvu .� 1_'.. .• , tai r - ..'u. :. n.' � •I Irl. rl rnl.yt'.. r, f: rt' ' (. ..r t .1. r lr r. :r; rrt. I:'rl t�lr .: � r t` .r .. .. i {. Ili( L'il.'•: ., 1'. 1 it • r .'('.G .. rN i. t� r � r.. rr :ru ,rirl s r rJ I r.. LILf .. rllr... 1 I I rr. .. � '1' rll• r fli .. 1. 1: i'. 1 ti' - '. 1 I'Y:" I 11. rl r. •.l U .. I r ... .l 1. rl (1('rr �P., 1 :(' � r 1.(.•.111: ,. .. ti .'f Yt •.' t)Ir 1 i 4.\ 1!' i'•.. .. r \.i.. t'. 1. ... 1 . .1 . 1. ...r .... '• l •r.i. •. �1 e. ,. r •'r I., r r� .r I•L I r r r. � . r � i r ��r ■� m WPM r r m m ■� �■ w w w�w� w w� w During the robotics training, students will assemble their own programmable robot. They will be introduced to machine language programming, computer interfacing and circuit theory. SDA- Classroom Training: Institutional occupational training will be provided by area schools and training facilities through subcontractual arrangements. Books and tuition will be provided, however, no allowance payment or stipends will be paid. Vocational counseling and job placement will be provided by City staff. These funds will allow additional individuals to be enrolled in vocational training. Youth.,.,.O,pportun_i_ tiesUn_lm- ted_._._ {Y__O_ -U_).: The Y.O.U. program is designed for 14 and 15 year old students. The allocation will allow 40 at -risk youth to attend 8 1/2 weeks in residence this summer on state university campuses where they will receive remediation in Math and English and work experience employment. At least 88% of the total students are expected expected to successfully complete the program. Lifeguard Project: This project will provide training to prepare eligible youth for American Red Cross lifeguard certification. Upon completion of training, certifiable youth will be eligible for employment at pools. Those not attaining certification will be eligible to work as lifeguard helpers. Particip_ant..,__Assistance: These are costs associated with assisting participants by providing employment certification or eligibility, counseling, assessing needs and abilities, development of appropriate training and job development upon completion of training. Administration: Cost involved in the administration of the overall program including managerial salaries and fringes and overhead costs. ,. 1r:�11 , ., •, �. 1 ,. .1 �. 1 .i IC .,. , I ,:�I� I . 1 , . I , ,r ,. 11� .. ' , , .. , '1 . 11 .I,♦ .., ., n. ' { 1., , „1„, , , .. . , 1 . .... • ,1, 1 ,. .• �. 1 ,. 1 . � � �. 1 .. 1'r ... I � .Ill ,. � � i,, ., , .�, ,♦ ,, ,r ,. ' , I . , , . 1 I I, � I . 11 ., . � 1. '1. �. ,, , , ,, , ��.. 1117.''.., i, ., ,,:.i,` .. ;., , ,I .. ... 1,. ,,., 1. ,. � ,.r I, , ., 1 . d �. 1, ,, , �,IJ , . 7,. ;1 � " I ., � � 1. 1 . 7, ` L'YIIt II ♦df� � II'1 ... 1. li..'1 'I� � I .. � i `11' 1 � ( 1 ..J it '' 'd l �.. VI " i 1. �1 111. .. •. .. , •I'. 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